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CIELI – Sviluppare le competenze di creazione d'impresa secondo una metodologia fondata sui paradigmi della Competizione, Innovazione, E-Learning, Internazionalizzazione

The project aims at stimulating teachers and principals of secondary schools, as well as trainers of vocational centres to introduce in their institutions education for enterprise creation. It aims also at motivating SMEs staff to contribute with their practical experience and expertise. Therefore the proposed e.learning programme is devoted to young people and the pilot training will involve 200 students of the various Countries of the partnership, distributed in 50 virtual study circles, mentored by 50 experienced SMEs staff, together with 12 teachers or trainers and 12 schools’ principals The virtual study circles will link VET centres with firms, but also with simulated enterprises. In the e.learning programme is included a game. The winner will be the team of students presenting the most valid plan of an enterprise oriented to internationality and based on innovative products and processes. It is included also a number of case studies about excellent European existing firms having such characters, belonging to the sectors of manufacture or of services for manufacture, buildings, ICTs appliances. The general objective: overcoming the pretended existing situation where the training for enterprise creation is mainly focussed on the local market opportunities, and educate young people interested in potential business creation to think international and to look at business opportunities based on innovation and R&D Among the activities is remarkable the collection of a European repertory of “excellent” SMEs internationally oriented and ICTs supported. -- RESULTS AND PRODUCTS: The outcomes are: the afore-mentioned repertory, the virtual publishing of the learning programme, the ancillary printed manuals. -- POTENTIAL FUTURE: A future expansion to other sectors or Countries of the project outcomes is eventually envisaged.

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