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Cidadania Ativa com Emprego para Todos.
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Escola Tecnológica e Profissional de Sertã (ETPS) is a vocational school. It is located in a region named Pinhal Sul Interior, right in the centre of Portugal. Due to its geographical location it has to face various social problems, such as: ageing population, lack of job opportunities and the maintenance of a few local companies. Therefore, very often, our youth has to migrate to bigger cities or even abroad. Our school aim is to fulfil our students’ personal and professional ambition and prepare them to fit in the challenging world of work, by offering them a social, cultural and technical training, and making those entrepreneurs. Our training aim is to accomplish local, regional and national professional needs and employment in several companies spread over the country. Here, they will be able, not only to develop and deepen their theoretical and technical skills, but also mature their personal skills and citizenship, being surrounded by a different cultural and professional environment. This project entitled “Cidadania activa com emprego para todos ” will transmit and expand cultural and linguistic knowledge, skills and qualifications. It will also create a better learning environment and promote higher levels of performance giving students the chance to enter the job world more easily, besides improving their personal skills. Together with our partners, we will organize and provide a work placement which will target each trainee’s needs, as well as to students who are starting their studies or for those who have just left school and for other school stuff, too. Skill certification in a global economy, is a crucial tool to get a job, in an unfair job world, mainly for the youth. Our project also includes students who have just left school in order to promote mobility and employability. We want to promote creativity, competitive edge and employability, as well as the use of Information Communication Technology through Moodle, Weduc and Etwinning platforms. We also desire to develop an active citizenship, as members of an European space and cultivate the desire to get a diploma/ certificate through a formal/informal way of learning by means of an Europass – mobility certificate. Despite being very well prepared at school our trainees will also enrich their know-how by contacting with different technological and working procedures of a foreign country. Our students get their first theoretical and practical know-how at school, during the period of three school years and in local and/or national companies. However, we would like to give them the chance to benefit from a new experience not available in the region or even country they belong to. Moreover, we highlight that the beneficiaries of this project live and study in a disadvantaged part of the country, mainly rural and underdeveloped, worsen by the economical crises our country is getting through. This program is principally to promote the internship, the qualification acknowledgment, cooperation and the mobility between the education and training systems in our community, and so become a worldwide reference.

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