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Ciągłe doskonalenie umiejętności językowych kluczem do sukcesu społeczności szkolnej teraz i w przyszłości.
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

School Complex number 4. Tomasz Klenczar educates 100 students, 20 teachers work there. In school studies youths who are mostly weak students, not exhibiting exceptional talents, poorly motivated, without " educational culture". Despite the lack of mobilization of high school students to learn, large numbers are involved in extracurricular activities. The involvement of students in the school activities , a good atmosphere between teachers and students based on the existing school community participants principles are appreciated and accepted by parents. Seeing what they need in terms of the development of students and improve learning outcomes, seeing what action taken by the school bring the best results. The school decided to put into effect measures to ensure its European character - both in terms of language, contacts and international projects, promoting the values European knowledge about other countries, cultures, etc. To achieve these goals, the school decided to implement the project titles "Continuous improvement of language skills key to the success of the school community, now and in the future." To be able to incorporate it into the first step, the school has identified the needs to be to reach the goals. There are several important requirements of the school. First of all, the greatest need is to strengthen the capacity of the staff. A very important element is to ensure the continuous development of teachers, it is particularly important to strengthen language skills. In addition, staff should improve their competence in the development of teaching methodology and the application of new tools (multimedia, interactive whiteboard, m-learning and e-learning etc.). Seeing the potential in encouraging students to work through a variety of additional initiatives the school is determined to pursue them as much as possible. To make this possible is needed absolute knowledge of applying for grants and their implementation. The key element here is also gaining international contacts and partners who jointly implemented these initiatives. The school is also looking for the best ways to promote their activities in order to work with the greatest number of external stakeholders and other kinds of institutions. For the project were selected teachers who have expressed a desire to improve their skills in the following areas: - Communicate in a foreign language (teach general subjects in a foreign language - learning objectively - language); - The implementation of CLIL program; - Engage in future in international projects; - Expansion of scientific vocabulary, with a range of vocational subjects, specialist; - Knowledge of innovative methods of teaching, and enrichment facility management is school institution. These are not only foreign language teachers, but also teachers of other subjects. To participate in the project six teachers including: The head master, 2 teachers of foreign languages, teacher of Polish language and knowledge of the culture, teacher of biology, chemistry and ethics, as well as a teacher of physics, engineering and construction of machines. Concerning the expected effect of the project. All the skills gained as part of the project are going to be used in the institution strategic plan of development as they are to be concerned as long-range. The essential strategic plan is also the implementation a large number of international projects and establishing a great number of international contacts. These contacts, which will be formed during the courses, are to be used as a way of creation of mutual initiatives. These contacts will have different forms, from e.g. e-twinning to probably most direct contacts between students and teachers. The international school life will revive owing to the fact that most teachers and the headmaster will be able to cooperate internationally due to the fact that they know foreign language. The international contacts established by students, in the long-range perspective, will allow to realize the school strategic aim - education throughout the multiculturalism, better understanding of social, language and religious diversity and apart from that promoting the openness, tolerance and diversity. If our school is able to establish the international contacts, the planned projects will be incorporated, which will be the essential element of school plan of creating the image of school as a modern, active and on European level institution.
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