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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In this program, which has been implemented by the IEK Grevena in cooperation with INEDIVIM included three flows. One for the Hairdressing and Beauty sections, one for Culinary Art and one for teachers of ΙΕΚ Grevena. 1nd FLOW: theme "Hairstyles and makeup bride" Attended 18 trainees, 7 hairdressers +11 aesthetics and one follower. The trainees were mainly from the region of western Macedonia and most of them were studying in the final year of their studies The aim of this program was that trainees will develop good practices in both hairdressing and aesthetics through their practical training (2 weeks) in Italy in Ascoli Piceno 2nd FLOW: "Best practices in cooking Mediterranean diet: Theory and Practice" Attended 20 trainees and one follower. The trainees were mainly from the region of western Macedonia and attended the final year of their studies. The aim of this program is that trainees will develop good practices in cooking the Mediterranean diet through theoretical and also practical training in a restaurant in Italy in Ascoli Piceno. 3rd FLOW: "Innovative methods of education through the use of the Internet ' 15 teachers The rationale of this program was to give teachers new knowledge in teaching via internet The objectives of the plan for the 1st and 2nd flow of trainees were: • support participants in continuous training for the acquisition of knowledge, skills and qualifications, which will facilitate their personal development and will give them greater job opportunities in the European and Greek labor market. • broaden the professional horizon of the participants, and the development of their professional skills. • shaping the motivation of the participants, through their involvement in a real working environment. • enlargement of linguistic and cultural horizons of the participants, through their stay in a European country with a rich cultural heritage such as Italy. The objectives of the plan for 3d flow of teachers are: -the expansion of professional competences of teachers - their specialization in teaching through web -to learn how internet is used by other similar schools in Italy Description of activities 1st FLOW: theme “Bridal hairstyles and wedding makeup” Trainees of hairdressing and aesthetic classes practiced for 2 weeks "Bridal hairstyles and wedding makeup ' in Ascoli Piceno in hairdressing and beauty salons . Moreover they visited for 4 days Rome, where they attended a two-day seminar in bridal hairstyles and wedding makeup in one of the best schools of the area. Apart from Rome visited also Urbino and San Marino. 2nd FLOW-Teacher: "Innovative educational methods through use of the internet" The program included practical seminar with computers in using the internet in education, and visits to schools the teachers have learnt about the Italian education system and the use of Internet in education. They have attended also a seminar on social media in education. 3d FLOW: on "Best practices in the cooking of the Mediterranean diet: Theory and Practice" The students trained for two weeks in the city of Ascoli Piceno in Italy, in cooking the Mediterranean diet, both theoretically as well as practically through training for two weeks (six days per person) in a restaurant of the town, where trained in the preparation of pasta and first and second dishes and pizza. It took place also a visit to a company that produces stuffed olives ‘Ascolana’ , a wine seminar about Italian wines and their combination with foods, a visit in an olive -oil production company and a visit and training in another restaurant. Trainees also attended an Italian Language course of 12 hours. Regarding the cultural visits took place a visit in Perugia and Norcia. They visited also Rome . The expected outcomes and the likely impact to participants and to target groups are a) the acquisition of specific skills b ) recognition of qualifications at European level c ) an advantage for job placement in Greece and Europe d ) the diffusion of knowledge and expertise at national and European level e ) encouraging movement in other countries g) enhancing the employability and reintegration into new jobless jobs h) the upgrading the quality of our education system The potential long-term benefits from all activities, besides of acquisition of specific skills of the participants, is to be improved the quality of services offered both in hairdressing and beauty sectors, as well as in the cooking sector and also to be improved the quality of studies offered by our educational system
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