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Chorzowski Ekonomik na stażu we Włoszech
Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Chorzowski Ekonomik on an apprenticeship in Italy The beneficiaries of the project of vocational training in May 2017 in Italy, will be 20 third grade students in Technikum Ekonomiczne in profession of economics, tourist service and for the first time logistics and 2 tutors. The host company again will be Sistema Turismo s.r.l On the basis of the existing cooperation in executing 3 the LdV IVT mobility projects under LLP for 100 students, we fully trust that our partner will enable us to achieve expected effects of the vocational training in host companies which evaluate and document students’ achievements by implementation ECVET system and giving support in validation process and recognition of outcomes.The project responds to students’ needs and aspirations concerning complementing and extending vocational education by training in international professional and social environment. Professional training will be carried out according to programs agreed with 3 Italian host companies : Waldorf Hotel, Cooperativa Viaggi, Cooperativa Metis. The same programs for every profession will be realized individually in Italian host companies where under supervision students will be performing different tasks such as: students of economics - administrative and clerical activities, analytical and accountancy activities, students of logistics – evidence the storage, distribution and transportation process, students of tourism – offer and evidence tourism services using TIK, specialist software and business English language.Participants will be prepared to the vocational training by 20 hours Italian course ,10 hours “Training of business vocabulary connected with commercial documentation and customer service in English” taking parts in 2 lectures and 3 workshops including “ Application documents and preparing to interview in English” The day of vocational training” will include 2 lectures : Italian culture and history, showing films, multimedia presentations,2 all day trips. Students will take part in workshop about safe staying, personal protection and paying respect to individual students rights.The implementation of the project will allow to achieve the following goals: - 20 participants will gain European qualifications : knowledge, skills and social competence required in working environment using English language, based on the rule “ new skills in new workplaces”. They will be an added value extending the curriculum with an influence on personal development, their awareness and social activity and possibility to find employment in European labour market what can help to convince students that they choose the right professional education profile.- Gaining 4 weeks of practical experience certified by Europass Mobility document in Polish and English, certificates, Personal Transcript and letters of reference, which will be important part of CV allowing them to be distinguished among other candidates and give them more opportunities to find a job.- Improving the language competences in Business English , and in basic Italian, can allow them to overcome the language barriers in access to domestic and foreign companies and developing Shared Service Centers where the language is the most important criteria during the process of applying for a job.- Developing appropriate attitudes for “Youth” as counteracting unemployment according to UE Strategy ” Europe 2020 ": independence, creativity, responsibility, and ability to work and communicate in a team, ability to establish relationships in an international environment - Developing intercultural competence: sense of European identity and citizenship, acceptance, adapting to live and work in any European countries and others.- Improving results of teaching in the School, motivation for learning including English language and developing appropriate attitudes.- Developing the awareness that even middle managers in business and administration must have well developed professional competences and attitudes but what is more Business English competence-improving the attractiveness of vocational education to general education and in result increasing the number of students choosing technical school . It should strengthen the School’s position in the region.- Rising the quality and effectiveness of education by transfer of project results : obtained experience, procedures and documentation on best practice basis to the School in particular to practical learning and Business English.- Creating European capabilities for the School and preparing bilingual vocational education in the School. The implementation of selected modular units in English as a pedagogical innovation according to European development plan, students and teachers expectations and preferences of the employers fixed on the panel “ How to organize vocational teaching and learning in English”- Obtaining experience to preparing further Erasmus + projects.
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