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Children at risk: (Non-formal) Education, Experience, Efficiency
Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project CARE3: Children at risk: (Non-formal) Education, Experience, Efficiency is focused on:- building up community-based networks, which operates effectively and problems concerning youth are solved efficiently;- increase youth work quality by creating effective cooperation in community and international level and by professional development of specialists from both experience of other and specific training; - spotlight the importance and use of non-formal and informal learning;- increase social inclusion of children at riskIn order to build up effectively functioning network project partners have chosen one common goal – to increase social inclusion and social skills of youth at risk, since well-developed social skills are positively linked to behavior, academic performance and relationships (Jones & Bouffard, 2012) and allow large number of youth to increase their inclusion and possibilities for being happy member of community.Project will be implemented in partnership of 5 organizations from four countries – Estonia, Latvia, Norway and Poland. In addition to official partners (Jõgeva Elementary School, Jõgeva Town Government, Hordaland Police District, Radom Technical School and Valmiera Viesturs Secondary School), there are several associate partners involved from every country (Regional Police Headquarters of Radom, "Arka" Youth Centre Assosiation and Youth Clubs of Radom, Valmiera Youth Centre Vinda, Vidzeme Regional police department of State police Vamieras district, Estonian Police and Border Guard Board, South Prefecture, Slåtthaug Ungdomsskole (Basic school in Bergen, ages 13-16 years) Skranevannet Skole (Basic School in Bergen, ages 13-16 years) MOBY-stiftelsen (Foundation in Bergen aimed at creating positive youth environment in Ytrebygda municipality), Norwegian Narcotics Officer Association etc.)Main activities Project will be implemented through four activity packages.As a result of AP1 “Management and co-ordination” 12 local and 4 international project meetings will be held, in order to ensure proper management, activities coordination and budget control. As a result of AP2 “Increasing the knowledge and professional competence of involved specialists” co-vision group leader training and trainings on how to be a social skills trainer are conducted; specialists are participating in 3 international joint teaching/training/study events; best practices and new knowledge are exchanged and integrated into specialists every-day work and introduced to wider spectrum of specialists in local seminars/ workshops. Under AP3 “Pilot actions targeted to youth” 3 combined study trips for children at risk are organized (altogether to 60 children); fun and interactive workshops on social skills have been conducted by participating specialists; minimum 2 local events in every country per year; altogether 8 events targeted to children at risk is organized by/or in cooperation with local youth centers (to min. 200 youth). As a result of AP3 development of children´ social skills have been supported and children have given opportunity to gain practical experiences, skills on how to act in situations and cope with feelings through playful methods. As a result of AP4 “Elaboration of materials/intellectual outputs” 1 web-site/ blog free of charge to exchange best practices, participate in forum discussions, and present project outcomes have been created. 1 social skills curriculum that can be used in schools as separate lesson (in 3 languages: ENG, EST, LAT) and 1 board game (table game) to support and develop social skills of students through entertaining format have been elaborated. 6 short film clip(s) from youth to youth on prevention and social skills or promotional clips about non-formal learning activities in youth centres/schools have been crated. 1 short film clip of project activities and results have been made by project team. Immediate impact for participating specialists (youth workers, social pedagogues, psychologists, youth police, etc.) will consist of obtaining new knowledge and novel skills (from learning/training/teaching(experience exchange activities) that can be used immediately in every day work providing more professional service to children involved. Having more every-day contacts on local level will have impact in strengthening local networks of youth workers. Activities will have also immediate impact to participating children who will be able to communicate better within the community and their families as their social skills are strengthened and new positive experiences, friends and contacts obtained. All that will lead to immediate increase in social inclusion and improved positive image of children and also improved relationships with teachers and peers. Better knowledge English language as result of foreign language communication in international events will expand their possibilities for communication outside of their immediate contact circle.
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4 Partners Participants