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Children and Youth at Risk in the Barents Region 2012 - 2015 (BEAC)
Start date: Sep 27, 2012, End date: Oct 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Children and Youth at Risk" is partly a prolongation of cooperation programme "Children and Youth at Risk 2008-2012", which was adopted by the Working Group on Health and related Social issues of the Barents Euro-Arctic Council in March 2008 to increase cooperation efforts aiming at improving life conditions of the most vulnerable groups of the child population in the Barents region. Achievements: The project has shown that there is demand for methods and competence development in child protection. The project has spread knowledge about methods in child protection and welfare of families. More than 3000 people totally have participated in educational activities and / or seminars and conferences. This shows in the increased and improved discussion about the rights of children and youth in the region.

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  • 18%   333 428,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Kolarctic ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

5 Partners Participants