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Chemist's shop of Employment
Start date: Aug 4, 2014, End date: Apr 3, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Two groups of youngsters from Greece (16) and Spain (16) more 2 leaders, have lived for 9 days in the youth exchange in Pontevedra, promoting intercultural coexistence, sharing experiences and concerns personal from an integrative perspective, at the same time that has improved tools for job search, cultural exchange, cultural musical and encouraged communication in another language , English. Travel around Europe by themselves, has helped make friends, resolve their problems using his abilities to resolve conflicts that have appeared. The participants in this project were young people between 18 and 30 years and young people with fewer opportunities, motivated by a European experience with participants from other countries. In the Asociación Galega de Percutas Omar through this project we wanted to give impetus, to social and labour participation of young people in any of their environments, more or less daily, and nearby such as its towns and municipalities, as well as from further afield, such as the national and international levels. Young people who have participated in this project were trained on promotion of employment and skills development. Through workshops, group dynamics and the outdoor activities, were transmitted knowledge and values that were based on the exchange of experiences and knowledge of young people of both countries. This transmission of knowledge was that fostered the development of specific skills. Throughout this project, we discovered the important thing is to learn to listen to us, learn to communicate and to appreciate what we say and are told the others. But also, to make visible those knowledges, which belong to us but that should be socialized as collective richness. During the Exchange, we carry out workshops, debates, dynamics, evaluations, games, etc. through which, youngsters acquired knowledge from practice, i.e. of what people know, experiences feelings that many situations originated, and the problems and difficulties of our environment that we have in common. All the activities have had a European and intercultural dimension since they encouraged participants to reflect on European issues and engage them in the construction of Europe; participants are offered the opportunity to identify common values with people from different countries despite their cultural differences; They challenged viewpoints that perpetuate inequality, injustice and discrimination; and respect for cultural diversity is promoted to fight against racism and xenophobia. Placing us in the era of the so-called "globalization", through this space of mutual learning, we have helped the Jovenesgriegos and Spanish to motivate change in beliefs and attitudes for the social and professional integration, and that they indagasen in their own sources of entrepreneurial inspiration. Through our activities have given instruments to young people to facilitate their labour integration, through workshops (sobreHerramientas 2.0, met the mobility EVS programme, took part in activities of communication skills, worked the Europass and Charter of Motivacionde a satisfactory and practical way to learn through experience, so; led to personal self-fulfillment and social participation. We have put our grain of sand to improve the skills of young people to carry out successfully the different roles in our society. At the end of the project we have created a resource in PDF called "good practice guide", which will be hung in all the websites of the participating organizations. Thus the community social and youth can access obtained apprenticeships, the methods used to resolve the issues, assessments and the results of it, benefiting from these "outputs", using them to the needs of other neighbouring organizations of each partner country. The idea is that long-term participants find employment or undertake their own businesses successfully and have used the tools learned to improve to obtain employment successfully. We hope that the relations between them remain and new collaborative networks that have been created are maintained to develop future youth exchanges together.

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