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Changing the game by changing its players
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The strategic partnership “Changing the Game by Changing its Players” focusses on young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and embraces sport as a tool for social change. The aim of the project is to contribute towards the development of solutions for issues related to e.g. youth unemployment and living in unsafe communities that young people deal with internationally. The underlying assumption is that young people need a safe, inclusive and enabling environment to realize their full potential (and be the future drivers of positive change within their communities). Herein the project specifically focusses on central role of community sport coaches. The general objective of the project is to create a safe, inclusive and enabling environment for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds through high-quality training of community sport coaches, focusing on sport as a tool to manage conflict, acquire lifeskills and facilitate entrepreneurship. More specifically the objective is to develop an internationally recognised standard for community sport coaches, 'sport for community building, youth development & entrepreneurship', and the development of a strategic partnership wherein a variety of organisations participate and jointly work together initiating new tools and techniques that community sport coaches can use in their current and future work. Characteristic is the holistic approach, with the community sport coach positioned at the centre. It is the community sport coach that works on a daily basis with disadvantaged youth. Additionally, they possess a unique tool – sport – ‘that can unite people in a way that little else does’. However, thus far, many community sport coaches are not yet able to make use of the full potential that sport has (as a tool). As a result of the project internationally recognised and relevant curriculum will be developed and community coaches will receive high-quality training (including practical tools and techniques) about the instrumental role sport can play within their communities. The strategic partnership is formed by a variety of experts ISA, Oikos, Unify Solutions, University of Bedfordshire. Through different workshop and training settings the strategic partnership develops a curriculum for community sport coaches focusing on three themes: a) Sport & Life skills, b) Sport & Conflict management, c) Sport & Entrepreneurship. Curriculum will be developed both for the training of community sport leaders as well for the training of youth. Based on the developed curriculum three different trainings will be organized for 20 community sport coaches. Wherein each training will focus on a different theme. During the final phase of the project several multiplier events will be organised to disseminate the developed expertise and present the new curriculum. The most important result of the project is the development of curriculum that community sport coaches can use when organising structural activities for disadvantaged youth. Though a holistic approach the community sport coach should be better able to create a safe, inclusive and enabling environment wherein young people from disadvantaged youth can develop themselves optimally.

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