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Changing lives with just a right mix of chalk and challenges
Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Taking into consideration the last 3 years' unsatisfactory school results, the incresing early school leaving and lack of psyscological and social adaptation of the young generation, the low rate of integration of our school's gratuation, the low rate of integration of our school's graduates in the work field and in higher education, our institution's EDP focuses on improving the quality of the educational process. At the moment our school faces the following situations: inefficacy in approaching the modern teaching-learning-evaluating methods, need of profesional motivation, learners' low interest in studying, scarce knowledge of using the necessary tools for developing relexive and creative mind,need of resources capable of allowing access to experiences and good European practices, limited openess towards the European learning space. That is why the decision makers of our school decided that through running a school mobility project we can reach the strategic targets of European institutional development. For this reason 3 persons were authorized to build a team for desinging a KA1 project. Sarting from the profesional needs of the teachers that are amomng the needs os our institution and that are part of the competences of using modern didactic techniques and tools described in "Job description" the team KA1 proposes the following objectives through writing this project: developing competences of using modern methods, techniques and tools of the teachers from our school increasing our school' European dimension, improving competences of using the necessary tools for a creative thinking, by taking the lead for a base of didactic resources. In order to obtain this objectives a number of 6 teachers will attend 3 European training and the other teachers will take part in the activities organized in our school. The mobilities were carefully selected by the KA1 team in order to meet the above mentioned professional training needs of the teachers. The trainings were selected by using the platform provided by the Eureapean Comission "School Gateway", eTwinning, and also by contacting the training providers whom we have known from our previous courses, avoiding in this way the danger of selecting some doubtful stages. The course "Improving Teaching and Learning" will improve the participant' competences of modern methods on teaching-learning-evaluating English,in order to create didactic activities meant to attract their learners as much as possible. The course "Teach, Learn and Quality will develop the participants competences of using inovative methods on evaluation, self-evaluation., which wil lead to increasing their learners' interest in using the self-evaluation methods more efficiently. The course "Encouraging Creative Thinking" will improve the participants abilities of thinking creatively, problem-solving, stimulating logical learning vs rote learning, which will have as a result their learners' familiarization with thinking in an innovative, imaginative and creative way.The participant teachers have proven openess towards their professional training, they are good communicators, making sure that they will disseminate correctly and throughly the aquired knowledge and competences, they are pro-active, eager beavers, and they possess a high capacity of solving the possible problems creativel and constructively. They all have medium knowledge of English and competences on using PC and they will ask for a recomendation from the Head of the department/ Head master, as well as their competences of evaluation, self evaluation, their careers management and psycho-social capabilities. Participants selection will be organized in a clear, transparent framework, with respect for the agreed crteria, avoid conflict of interests. Participant will be selected in the decresing order of their scores, in accordance wth an evaluation grid (having in view the reserve persons in case of unexpected situations). Amomg the expected results after running this project are: increasing efficiency of rendered learning contents by the teachers,improving collaboration among teachers and learners, a better understanding of the interface between formal and non-formal education, increasing young learners' creative abilities, correlation among the conveyed following European standards, improving European values in their diversity, increasing motivation and professional satisfaction, originating open, professional earning environment, setting up some didactic resources(Tool Box) meant to ensure an increasing access of all the interested teachers to the European learning space. After the selected teachers' participation at these courses and after the disseminations that will succeed, there will be noticed an improving of the educational values and also of the quality of the teaching activities. There will an increasead number of teahers and learners involved in European projects, too, will finnaly lead to an increased European dimension.

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