Change laboratory
Start date: Sep 1, 2011,
Change Laboratory is a platform where 29 young experts and representatives of non-governmentalorganizations from Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Estonia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Czech Republic,Hungary, Sweden, Greece and Romania will carry out collaborative learning activity by questioningcurrent ways of thinking, analyzing and modeling social entrepreneurship ventures, and conductingProgramma “Jaunatne darbiba” 4.3 – Apmacibas un sadarbibas veidošana (2011) 3. lapathought and action experiments concerning possible changes in their communities. Main aim of this 8-days training course taking place in Latvia is to promote active participation of young people and tocontribute to developing the capabilities of civil society organizations in the youth field through gatheringknowledge in social entrepreneurship area and forming competencies essential for initiation of socialentrepreneurship activities by non-profit organizations. Program is based in the experiential learningmodel and focuses on enhancing self-initiative and participants' capabilities to analyze obstacles, seeopportunities and effect change in the social sector.The course highlights number of approaches and strategies to achieve social change. The first part of thetraining introduces learners to the concept of social entrepreneurship and its various applications acrosssectors and organizational forms. Furthermore it examines the changing context in a globalizing worldand the success factors and conditions of setting up social enterprise. Through the program participantsare expected to create value for their organizations by making a community project with potential tostimulate improvements in their chosen area, whether that is education, health care, environment, arts orany other social field - participants will design plans for local or international social entrepreneurshipactivities: new entities or innovative projects, partnerships or other arrangements that will have an impacton existing organizations and social outcomes.