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Change Agents: Positive Lifestyles
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Project “Change Agents: Positive Lifestyles” the exchange phase will be held in the YMCA Camp Priego from 28/03/2015 to 3/04/2015 with youth form Spain and Portugal. The Youth Exchange responds to the needs that we observe in the last years and we shared with the responsible of YMCA Setubal. The youth participants that live in problematic urban areas are often expose to risky situations in relation to their equals. They participate in the YMCA as volunteers and in these last 2 years, are actively involved in the Association, carrying out activities to other groups like children and young people in the neighborhood, since they realize that can either be a positive reference for the children who live in the area. The exchange is directed to a total of 47 young people (42 of them are participants and 5 accompanying persons), from Logroño, Zaragoza, Madrid and Setúbal, between the ages of 16 and 26 years. Basically, is young people who have educational difficulties and in major or minor measure, economic, social and geographical barriers. Also, it is a common line between them their fighter character and personal improvement to exit this situation. The 5 companions are young people under the age of 30 years, professional facilitators, and experts on youth who work during the school year with the participants This project aims to empower and train young people as agents of change to transform their communities and society as well as within the associative movement of the organization. With these actions, we want to commit to the participants in a learning process oriented to critical analysis of issues that affect them as young people, as citizens and using the current social context as a frame of reference. Therefore the project aims to challenge and train participants to be agents of change in their communities, both inside and outside of YMCA. The Project involves 3 stages: 1) Planning and preparation phase: the young people will gather together to work aspects related to the workshops and activities that will be launched during the exchange as well as will acquire the skills and competencies that make them to maximize the experience. Activities: Analysis of the reality of their neighborhood; resources of leisure and free time available for young people; youth problems and brainstorm of possible solutions. Energizer and dynamic activities to other participants. Preparation of the intercultural night (will be inform and will prepare a presentation on food, culture, dancing, etc). A Facebook group will be open where young people boost the contents providing photos, opinions and points of view on the issue of the Exchange. 2) Implementation phase: the planned activities will be developed into 3 major themes/areas: - Leadership; - Healthy habits; - Intercultural coexistence. Participants will have an active role in the training, will acquire tools and resources as well as organizational skills, planning and leadership, so in a 3rd phase of the project, they will be able to transmit to their equal the contents covered in the Exchange. All the activities are detailed in the point G of the project. 3) Communication of the results and learning phase: will be implemented in the YMCAS, in the neighborhood the following activities of dissemination of results and transmission of learning, always through a participatory methodology. For example: workshops and dynamic for children and young people about healthy habits, interculturality and leadership; formative spaces for adults and volunteers; meetings with the Public Administration The methodology that we will use is participative and focused on the young people as well as in their concerns, needs and interests. Will be based on the non-formal and informal learning, since we give great importance to the informal spaces in each of the 3 phases described In one hand with this project we intend to support young people in the acquisition of skills and competencies that will empower them and in the other hand to be models to their communities. The final goal of the project is that they are agents of change in their communities, since they are able to carry and transmit the topics covered in the exchange to other young people, children and families. Be models and example for other people. The medium- and long-term benefits the young people will get are: greater relational capacity, skills to analyze the reality and to propose solutions, take initiative and autonomy, greater skills in English language; ability to work in team. All these will place them in a greater position, with more opportunities to find and achieve a job, get more healthy relationships, better physical and mental health. Finally, a fullness life.
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