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Chancengleichheit für alle!
Start date: Feb 2, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Equal Opportunities for All!" - Perceptions of discrimination and anti-discrimination policies in our society in comparison of two European countries (Germany and Bulgaria) is the bsorption of the previous project theme from the year 2014 "Youth for Diversity and Tolerance". This time discrimination in everyday life is in focus: Who is affected and why? How do you deal with it? What can you do about it? How to apply the general Equal Treatment Act? The project idea that the young people have developed while working on the previous project itself builded the idea to propose it as a project topic. Unfortunately, discrimination against children, young people and students based on ethnic origin, gender, religion, sexual orientation or disability is part of everyday life in kindergarten, school and college. The problems are manifold and can not be conceled because equality is part of the fundamental rights of the people in the EU countries. 16 young people from socially and economically disadvantaged families from Germany / Cologne and Bulgaria / Blagoevgrad observe discrimination situations in their social environment and everyday life (by personal experiences, media, told stories, visiting the information centers, etc.) and keep their observations in form of photos , interviews, recorded situations, media research, etc. in order to elaborate and to thrash out the material collected during the encounter. Because of the material brought to the meeting the young people create scene collages as a result of the encounter phase and present them to the public. In addition to teaching the EU anti-discrimination directives and the equal treatment rights personal, communicative, intercultural and social competences are developed and strengthened by the participants. As evidence of learning experiences in extracurricular work the young people receive the Youth Pass, that describes experiences and key skills acquired during the encounter. After the main activity, the participants share the acquired knowledge with their peer groups in their social environment. In the entire course of the project, the learning processes of the young people are constandly monitored through the nice teamer, translators and social workers are constantly monitore and repeatedly reflected together with the young people in order to make the participants aware of their own behavior and their approach and to constantly improve it. Through speech animation, games and common leisure activities the participants should be enabled to mutually get to know and communicate with each other.
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