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Cezaevlerindeki Gençler için Rehberlik Hizmetleri
Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

There are 365 prisons in Turkey in the Ministry of Justice and the total number of prisoners in these prisons, according to the August data, which is 151 323. The age distribution of the people in prison are examined; 45.2% of people were evacuated under the age of 34 and still young - are considered middle aged. When prisons or detention of people entering the age distribution of persons convicted analyzed, 42.15% are under the age of 30 and these statistics reveal the situation of young people who are in the prisons. People with criminal history, the process of how prison rehabilitated, although the general belief and prejudice in society, to be included in the social life of people who evacuated affected significantly. Prejudices can not find a job because of family being able to continue his life, family theories to the problems faced by these people often. These people are not forced into crime again / for the infection to be held in prison while they were at work are of great importance. Applied scope of this project; observe the young prisoners carrying out activities related to the training of technical staff in Europe and applied learning, and then developing the youth work carried out in Turkey, aims to provide better guidance. In this context, to examine rehabilitation programs applied to young people in Europe will observe how the informal learning techniques on how to apply and rehabilitation process of the rehabilitation program of study visits will be held the training will take and prisons about alternative training techniques used and at what level. Project has been implemented between the dates of 04.15.2015 - 04.21.2015 for 7 days in Augsburg, Germany, with 20 participants. The results obtained and the resulting effects on the participants is per fixed as follows: - Staff responsible for the rehabilitation of young detainees and convicts in prison (youth workers) studied received training abroad and best practices related to the rehabilitation of young people in Germany and was thus contribute to professional development. On-the German; youth rehabilitation in prison, informal education techniques and alternative training methods that our participants work on the subject; Increased professional qualification and have thus started to offer more efficient work with young people they serve. In this way, the activities have also increased their participation in youth prisons. - In Europe they observe work discipline, teamwork and personal development have contributed to the implementation of concepts about life as a professional time management. Our participants increased their professional motivation of so monotonous routine and ongoing career and work / requests evolved to produce new things. - The decision-making process in the areas of youth central and local civilian actors work together in work and cooperation provided by that was provided by our staff to learn the mechanisms of governance. Employee working conditions of our colleagues abroad standards, the level of organization and had the chance to see the perspective of the world. Thus, it increased levels of professional solidarity and has achieved the ability to compare the professional standards of both countries.

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