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Cesta k modernizácii a inovácii vyučovacieho procesu
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of a project "The road to the modernization and innovation of the teaching process" was to help to upgrade educational process, to ensure quality of education and to reflect new trends in teaching process. The project offered teachers of an elementary school to expand their competence in multicultural education and learning foreign languages. As well as strengthen their competence in the organization of the educational process, new teaching techniques and tools, with an emphasis on the European dimension in education and its modernization. The project involves the teaching staff who have shown an active interest in further education and whose concern is continuous innovation of teaching methods, and are interested in the modernization of education and have the intrinsic motivation to improve their language competence. The main project activities provided further education for teachers in the form of mobility of foreign language and training courses. The project allowed participants to actively participate in various activities, workshops and discussions to individual tasks by means of recent teaching techniques and educational tools. Project participants have improved their English and communication competence, they have acquired competence in the use of modern educational methods. These improvements have been progressively incorporated into teachers' work. Teachers are able to evaluate their own work efficiently and to choose the appropriate methods and techniques that reflect the needs of their pupils. Teachers can use the latest knowledge on ICT technologies, they can exchange their teaching knowledge and experience at the international level. Teachers involved in the project gained new contacts to international cooperation, create a space for sharing information and experiences from practice. Elementary School received competent staff able to bring into practice innovative methods and implement modern and attractive education.

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