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Certified EU Researcher-Entrepreneur
Start date: Nov 1, 2009,

The motivation for this project proposal lies in the lack of a European-wide valid set of training modules and certification of entrepreneurial skills of young academic people. Europe is far from exploiting its potential of successful entrepreneurship in higher education, because it often fails to mobilize the right innovative resources and young brains. The proposed project aims at delivering to innovative researchers the qualification to determine if their work and/or their ideas has a market potential, as well as to be able to create a commercial interest for what they are doing. The results envisaged are a skill set which clearly describes the skills required for a researcher to turn his ideas into marketable products, and thus to be able to create a sustainable enterprise. For all the skill elements training material will be provided in several languages and in an e-learning environment. A pool of test questions will be defined, which provides the basis for the certification of students. All these elements will be verified with a number of students in the context of initial trainings and certifications. By its very composition, the proposed consortium will be able to exert a significant impact on a European level. To give examples, the applicant organisation EMIRAcle unites a large pool of leading universities, who are all very active in leading-edge research as well as in organizing influential and recognized international conferences. Members are able to pre-select researchers based on a long-term observation of their works. ISCN as coordinator of the EuroSPI initiative runs a PhD selection program, where a number of international PhD students are assessed based on the innovation potential of their contributions to the topic of software and innovation process improvement. Grenoble INP has established a "House of Entrepreneurship", which is dedicated to mobilize researchers to turn their research results into successful innovations on the market.
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