Centro de Apoyo Educativo Kurmi
Start date: Dec 1, 2010,
Centro de Apoyo Educativo Kurmi is an European Voluntary Service project, that will be running from December f'2010 to November 3(fh 2012, 'the activity will be hold in the municipality of El Alto (Bolivia), fror February' 1? 2011 until August f'- 2011. The project is coordinated by Asociación ¡Juvenil Nórpadás de Blanca, Spain, acting a/so a sending organization, colaboratihg with Fundación Sembrando. Esperanza from ßo//V/a, as volunteers hosting organization.The :piOJeçt; in .general, is aimed to promote and'to give visivility to the volunteering' activities, especially tö the activities supported by the European Voluntary Service; promote de active cifenzënShip and participation of the young people in the management and development of spcial activities;: promote fundamental values as tolerance and solidarity; and promote youth intenational irtob ity át local level. Móre specifically the activity of the project will be focused on helping children in situation'of poverty or social exclusion risk, promoting education, at the same time that we facilitate a ihiercuìtùrai'exchange amongyoungvolunteersand hosting local community. .
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