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Centrifugal Europe and the Challenge of Integration
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The legitimacy of the European integration project historically rested on the ability to respond to the challenges brought about by globalization through a combination of deepening processes of economic and political integration at the domestic level and the pro-active shaping of governance mechanisms at the international level. Crises of various kinds are increasingly challenging the European Union’s (EU) ability to strike this delicate balance, leading to the emergence of new political, economic, social, and cultural cleavages, which are resulting in powerful centrifugal political forces. The developments that almost led to a “Grexit”, the debate over the prospect of a “Brexit”, and the discussion over the future of the Schengen agreement are just visible examples of the centrifugal dynamics that are shaking European integration. While political crises are not new to the EU, the simultaneity, intensity, and systemic character of these crosscutting crises are engendering unprecedented patterns of fragmentation that are ultimately calling into question the very foundations of the European political enterprise. In the forthcoming year of the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome establishing the European Economic Community in 1957, the Jean Monnet Centre (JMC) of the School of Government (SoG) of the LUISS Guido Carli aims to establish itself as a key hub in the Italian and European contexts to (1) create joint transnational links with other academic institutions in other European countries, (2) gather expertise of high level experts, (3) develop synergies between various EU-related disciplines, and (4) ensure public outreach to civil society. The fundamental aim is to generate new intellectual, policy, and civic resources that will be spread through innovative means to different communities – academica, policymakers, civil society, and the general public - to sustain the process of European integration in these difficult times.
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