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CCAlps. Creative companies in Alpine Space (CCAlps)
Start date: Sep 30, 2011, End date: Jul 29, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Creativity is a modern lever to sustainable growth, considered a fundamental asset to enable a behavioural change. To promote a competitive growth in the Alpine area it is important to bet on creative industries, because of their capability to trigger transformation in a territory. The main objective of CCAlps is therefore to create a real and virtual network of hubs in the Alps, that puts creativity and innovation at the center and that is able to focus on specific issues and opportunities for local and transnational development. The project will connect and create collaboration between CCIs (cultural and creative industries), carriers of ideas, producers, policy makers and universities, for promoting and realising innovative pilot projects (Creative Camp) and new policies for their growth. CCAlps aims to push policy makers in thinking out specific regulations that can support CCIs in the Alpine Space. A policy recommendations dossier will define the guidelines to finance services and the start-up phase of new CCIs Achievements: It has been written the first minutes of the kick off meeting of October 20th and Lombardy Region has required to activate Lotus Quickr, which is a technical instrument to exchange messages and documents through a dedicated forum, awaiting the networking platform will be ready for this purpose too. It has been produced by the French partner Chamber of Commerce of Nice a press kit to announce the CCAlps project and 3 articles: 1 in a local Nice newspaper "Azur entreprise et commerce", 1 in a alpine newspaper "Alpi del Mare" and 1 in a newspaper "les echos", for which the copyright is free, provided that it's indicated the name of the newspaper.
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  • 73.2%   2 136 861,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Alpine Space
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

8 Partners Participants