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Catching Confidence
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Jun 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The participating institutions in this project all work with lifelong learning , and provide training to adults from vulnerable social groups , including persons at risk of social exclusion , people with special needs, disabled , unemployed , bilingual, ex-offenders and adults who have left school without formal qualifications. People with this background can carry stories of violence and trauma that are not always open and visible . In addition , they experience a number of barriers in the learning environment , including physical , mental, social and emotional limitations. All these factors combine to influence students' self-confidence and self-esteem , which has a direct impact on their motivation and drive as regards their own learning . Studies show that various factors influence a student's engagement and motivation for attendance , it may be social and emotional elements as well as student's personal view of teaching relevance. All this has a decisive influence on students' learning. For example, when students do not have the social and emotional relationships , teachers , educators and even to their fellow students , it often leads to a contained behaviors that may affect their academic performance , and often they end up by dropping out of the program. It is therefore important that students have a mentor or a coach in their education . A mentor or tutor has the opportunity , through dialogue to help the student with daily personal and practical challenges but also talk with the student about the expectations and dreams in life is a very important element of a student's learning process. Again, research studies show the importance of a mentor or tutor have on the selfesteem of the student and thus the perception of being accepted , valued , included and encouraged by others. At the heart of learning is learner motivation and curiosity to learn new things and more. Creating a 'perfect' environment for learning is based on many factors. For example , studies show that the commitment of tutors , social relationships and events are of great importance to students' retention. Also the physical learning design is important so that teaching takes place in a safe , familiar and welcoming environment. The third element that is essential for a student's retention is the quality and relevance of the educational curricula, with a focus on practical relevance. There is also a need for flexibility and responsiveness to students' individual needs and circumstances. Attractive activities using ICT as a " hook " to catch students' interest and contexts such as street art for young people or work with a practical approach works well when it comes to motivating and retaining new students. With Catching Confidence and mobility activities herein , we will strengthen our organization in the positions that meet the specific socially challenged young adults. Both our tutors as teachers is important, as key persons for 1) the establishment of these young adults relationships and 2) in building a learning environment and an application-oriented approach that makes training realistic and relevant to the target audience. The ambition is to acquire the skills to create this situation so that (a lot) more young adults actually achieve a good step in the right educational path. The planned mobility activities build on the core pedagogical and didactic elements that we also need to apply in practice to the target group described above. The project will provide our key stakeholders insight into other school cultures assumptions , methods and results , which will be both valuable contributions to their own skills and a good basis for reflection on their own approaches and methods , and the development of the same . The partnership is structured so that at there is coincidence between the target groups general issues , and a range of very different contributions on solving the problems . VUC Storstrøm will specifically focus on ICT -supported teaching - both in general and in the specific use of advanced video learning. We will bring in experiences from application-oriented methodologies taking into account in the participant's personal preferences and the method of Goal mapping as a basis for strengthening the participants' executive skills ( ability to plan, execute and evaluate)
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