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Catalytic Asymmetric Reductive Amination of Ketones (ASYMREDAMIN)
Start date: Oct 1, 2008, End date: Jul 31, 2010 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The need for direct catalytic transformations with economy of matter, solvent and catalyst is a challenge for modern chemistry towards clean and environmentally friendly processes. The objective of this project is to perform the enantioselective reductive amination of ketones in one pot without isolation of intermediates by using multi-functional catalysts, which should be able to promote condensation of an amine with a ketone, and catalyse the enantioselective reduction (hydrogenation) of prochiral unsaturated intermediates to give optically pure amines. This type of compounds would find immediate applications as ligands for other catalysed reactions, and as intermediates for fine chemistry. R1R2C=O + H2NR3 + H2 ________________> R1R2C*H-NHR3 + H2O This innovative procedure presents tremendous advantages over the strategy, which is most often used at the moment and involves at least three independent steps (ketone transformation into enamine derivative, enantioselective hydrogenation, deprotection). This will be attempted by using transition metal catalysts (Ru, Rh, Ir) associated to optically pure ligands and eventually additives. Metal complexes containing bidentate ligands should be tested under specific conditions. The innovation will be in the design and preparation of new precursors of catalysts bearing less traditional ligands and specially monodentate phosphorus ligands such as phosphites, phosphoramidites, diaminophosphites. The expertise in molecular catalysis including asymmetric catalysis and the equipment in the host laboratory, that is participant in a European NoE, provide all the favourable conditions for the achievement of this goal, and good training of the Marie Curie fellow."

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