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CareerProgramme - Going beyond borders
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Nowadays, unemployment, especially among young people is one of the main problems European Member States are facing and there is an urgent need to take measures aiming at improving labour opportunities for young people. According to the results of the most recent sociological investigation carried out in Hungary by the OK Centre of the OTP Fáy András Foundation, young people are living for the moment without having any objectives for the future and they avoid decisions which may entail risks and uncertainties. Moreover, they tend to have a low self-esteem and a low self-confidence. As a consequence of the afore-mentioned problems that young generations are currently facing in Hungary, we can state that they experience considerable difficulties when looking for professional growth and development opportunities in the European labour market. Against this background and in line with the aim of the Europe 2020 Strategy to reduce rates of early school leaving and fostering youth participation in the labour market, the OK Career Programme will provide a medium-term solution by helping children and young adults, to identify which kind of career would be the most suitable for them according to their personality, competencies and preferences. The Career Programme also will detect skills and competences participants already possess and which have to be further developed by novel training methods. The proposed methodology is being developed under the motto “Job fit is the basis for both productivity and personal satisfaction”and it is based on educational contents elaborated in accordance with current and future requirements of the European labour market and learning materials developed with the aim of transferring knowledge and key competences (i.e.: entrepreneurial and digital skills among others) young generations need to become integral part of a future-oriented society, being able to take sound decisions. Aiming at achieving these goals, we foresee the implementation and piloting of the OK Career Programme and its special methodology as a first step in Romania and at a later stage in the rest of Europe. In doing so, we also intend to carry out the following activities: • To continuously improve and develop the self-recognition methodology already applied by our experts and trainers • To carry out in-depth research activities to identify the needs and/or gaps in the selected countries/regions, and based on the results of this survey, we will elaborate or re-define the inductive self-recognition methodology according to the specific needs and problems of pupils, as well as taking into account cultural aspects of the selected region • To implement, test and continuously optimise educational contents, developed in accordance with pupils’ profile, and aimed at helping children and young adults to acquire competences and skills required by the labour market. According to our expectations approximately 500 young people will benefit directly from this innovative methodology during the piloting phase of the proposed CareerProgramme. Generally, as result from the project, young people (with special attention to people not in employment, education or training (NEET) and members of the Z generation) participating in the training courses will acquire relevant knowledge and competences to be able to become conscious, future-oriented members of the society. Moreover, trainers and staff working at the participating organisations will benefit from the training directly and other educational institutions will be influenced in an indirect manner by the project. The 32 hours of interactive, inspiring and entertaining learning material for self-recognition and job fit, developed and implemented by the project will be part of the permanently offered courses by partner organisations. However, project partners foresee continuously optimise educational contents in order to ensure high quality training courses according to pupils’ profiles and tailored to the current trends and needs. The applicant OTP-Fáy Foundation has already established two training centres in Hungary (Budapest and Nyíregyháza) for providing high quality financial, economic and management training aiming at transferring skills that are the indispensable elements of a successful life in the 21st century to as many people as possible. After the conclusion of the proposed project, we foresee implementing gradually the Career Programme in other european countries as well.
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