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Career Success For Apprentices Through Targeted Mobility
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project will address key Eramus+ priorities by targeting and benefiting participants living in the Grampian region of Scotland who are at a significant disadvantage in the labour market. Aberdeen FC has been involved in European mobility for apprentice players for over five years in co-operation with the Scottish FA through the Leonardo da Vinci IVT funding initiative. This Erasmus+ project will focus on providing European mobility experiences for our young apprentices in the Under-20 squad of players who will travel to Austria in July 2015 and our Under-18 squad who will travel to Portugal in January 2016. Both groups of mobility participants are at a pivotal stage in their career pathways. Both the Austrian and Portuguese host partners will provide access to innovations in physiological development, dietetics, coaching delivery, tactical analysis and cardiovascular training. These will be expereinced and studied by the participants and used to improve skills acquisition and player development. In view of the differing restrictions imposed by the varying scholastic commitments of the players as they progress through their Modern Apprenticeship programme, plus their commitment to competitive match fixtures it was agreed by all of the partners that that a two week mobility period would provide maximum benefit from a European experience, while imposing minimum disruption to academic and vocational training courses. Mobility will be preceded by a structured preparatory phase and a two week duration will facilitate optimal absorption of the vocational training and skills development at the host institution. The Portuguese and Austrian host partners are applauded as having world class records in talent identification, innovative coaching and player development. Innovations in physiological development, dietetics, coaching delivery, tactical analysis and cardiovascular training will be studied and used to improve skills acquisition and player development. Improved success rates for apprentices in being admitted to the first team ranks are anticipated, while improved academic attainment and European exposure will improve employability in secondary careers for those not fortunate enough to make the grade. Consequently this project will prioritise the following specific objectives : 1. Improved physiological development of participants via the implementation of innovative training regimes as a direct result of structured Erasmus+ mobility programme. 2. Skills and technology transfer between the Academy mobility apprentices and players in Europe. 3. Improved employment rates for mobility participants in professional football careers. 4. Improved linguistic skills for participants and an awareness of the cultural diversity within another European country. 5. Increased maturity and sense of initiative. 6. Increased self-empowerment and self-esteem. 7. Enhanced intercultural awareness. 8. More active participation in work and social environments. 9. Enhancement of soft skills. 10. Increased motivation both on and off the field. Our Portuguese and Austrian partners are fully committed to this Erasmus+ project, having successfully hosted IVT and/or VETPRO participants from a variety of European countries funded under the previous Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme. Aberdeen FC have recently completed successful mobility trips to Portugal and Turkey and these experiences have formed the foundation for this Erasmus+ funding application. Young people in Aberdeen are, in the main, rather parochial in nature and exhibit a reluctance to undertake occupational mobility. This is particularly so with young people in the region where many have poor records of academic achievement and are socially disadvantaged. At present, fewer than 1% of persons under the age of 21 in the Grampain region will undertake a work-related mobility placement. This project will directly address this regional shortcoming and will contribute to the Lisbon and Europe 2020 Strategies. Football clubs are fairly unique entities in the access to the media of publicity and this will prove an excellent dissemination vehicle to encourage other young people to seek out mobility opportunities. Aberdeen FC’s dissemination activities will be complemented by our European partners, who will actively participate in the dissemination processes by issuing press releases to local media throughout the mobility. Friendly matches played by the participants against host opposition will be publicised in the host region and attendance by local spectators and vacationing Aberdeen supporters will be actively encouraged.

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