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Career Counsellors' Interactive Training

The Career Counselors Interactive Training project aims to promote career guidanceand awareness in Europe, to develop active European career counsellors and citizenswho will be in a position to investigate the surrounding reality, to analyse socialphenomena in depth and critically, as well as to contribute to the social reconstructionthrough efforts aiming at the democratisation and modernisation of institutions.The project will collaborate with experts in the fields of psychology, pedagogy, careercounselling and representatives from the labour market and the business world in orderto contribute in offering substantial training to career counsellors and as an effect toprovide substantial orientation to young people.The Career Counselors Interactive Training will identify the career counsellors' needsand then will develop training material, concerning an initiative critical and holistic andinnovative model, activities and exercises for personal and professional development,exercises and practises to be implemented by counsellors in the classroom or in careeroffices and a step by step programme, describing the career guidance processproviding young people from 11 to 20 years of age. Training seminars will be organisedin four countries of Europe. Interactive seminars will last about two days and theparticipants will be small groups of career counsellors (3-5 counsellors). The trainingmaterial will be implemented and evaluated by the counsellors and will be adapted bythe partners -researchers.The training material will be actually the research activities and will be separated inthematic areas. Each partner will cover specific thematic areas. As a result a handbookwill be published including the whole research material.

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5 Partners Participants