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CAPacity Building Technical Assistance to the BulGarian Ministry of Environment and Water for implementing the LIFE programme (LIFE CAPTA BG)
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background The LIFE programme introduced action grants for capacity-building projects for the 2014-2017 funding period. These are projects designed to build Member States' capacity to participate more effectively in the LIFE Programme. Specifically, these projects propose interventions to develop the capacity to submit successful applications for funding for projects under the sub-programmes for Environment and Climate Action. Member States that meet the criteria may each receive funding of up to one million euros for one capacity-building project. Only national level public bodies responsible for implementation of LIFE in an eligible Member State in the European Union may apply for capacity-building projects. Objectives The CAPTA BG project addresses the insufficient absorption of LIFE funding by Bulgarian beneficiaries. The project will focus on widening access to the LIFE Programme, by enhancing support for potential beneficiaries and applicants made in the annual LIFE calls. It will do this by improving capacity and creating a more cost-effective and efficient organisation for the LIFE NCP in Bulgaria. This strategy will be achieved through these specific objectives: Systematic analysis, streamlining and enhancing the consultancy and support given by the NCP to potential and current LIFE beneficiaries; Increasing the capacity of the NCP and creating a better-equipped, interactive, spatially-distributed contact point, as well as fostering networking with EASME and other EU Member States’ NCPs; Enhancing LIFE policy integration, dissemination of project results, and coordination between funding sources; and Creating tools for monitoring the factors which influence the low LIFE absorption rate in Bulgaria. Expected results: The project duration will cover the period of transition from national allocations to fully merit-based project rankings, which is expected to start from 2018. This will take in due consideration of the project design, in order to add value to the status quo (i.e. the low rate of successful LIFE applications in Bulgaria, especially in the ENV strand). Therefore, the expected results and the relating main outcomes are as follows: Better direct support to beneficiaries: a focus group analysis; local support in up to six cities; thematic and call-specific LIFE technical and financial training sessions; workshops covering horizontal issues; a beneficiary guide; a beneficiary support hotline; and improved access to/from potential beneficiaries outside the capital city of Sofia; Enhanced NCP capacity: exchange of experience with the best-performing countries in terms of LIFE absorption, training sessions, improved IT infrastructure, and optimised organisation of work; Improved visibility of the LIFE Programme in Bulgaria: policy integration, sustainability of project results, media campaign, and dissemination materials; and Development and implementation of monitoring tools: a checklist on LIFE performance produced, tested and used after the project.

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