Search for European Projects

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Since 2011, the Leonardo Mobility Projects have been bringing a European dimension to the Lycée Branly in the Catering section. The opening of a European section in September 2014 allows us to start our ERASMUS +project in the tertiary section. This project suits perfectly with the European Plan of our establishment. Our objectives are in total adequation with the aims of the Academy of Nantes : -Insert our students as European citizens in the professional field and also immerse them in the culture of a foreign country -success in the exams of our students and highlight their diplomas with the European mention -create solidarity with the educational team.The student will be at the heart of his training and his family will be deeply involved in the educational project of the youg citizen. -cooperate with the different national and international actors The project Erasmus + of the tertiary sector involves 28 students who prepare their BTEC ( National diploma Advanced) in sale. That project will last 24 months with a mobility of four weeks for their training course in their last year of study. During their three years of training as salesmen at school, the students of the European section will follow an additional hour of English (once a week) by certified teachers and helped by an English assistant too. A protocol has been set up to deal with the preparation, the following the evaluation and the impact on the students during their work placement abroad. Our partner "Avantage" is in charge of the students once abroad. He is also responsible for the choice of the work placement according to the skills of the student, the conventions, the choice of the families and the management of the sudents 24h/24h. Thanks to this Erasmus+ project, the students will gain more autonomy and will speak fluently. They will also share know -how with their welcoming firms and may also go on with their studies and reach level 3. Other students will work abroad in the future and their diploma, BTEC with a European Mention represents a real asset for their professional work. Thanks to the setting of our project CAP EUROPE, the lycée Branly offers extra ressources for our students to improve their preparation to tackle the national and international working market in the tertiary sector.
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