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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Project “Asturias Green” is promoted by Cangas del Narcea Secondary School. The association itself consists of Cangas del Narcea Secondary School, where vocational training is taught, acting as the sending partner, together with some hosting companies and the intermediary company in Germany. 8 Intermediate Vocational Training students will be moved, who will make their working practices in professional companies over a period of four weeks. -Project technical management: Prior to departure, the promoter, the shipping partner and participant will sign the contract, training agreement and quality commitment, according to the National Agency model. -Project financial management: Shipping partners will be responsible for economic management of their stays, with the support of the promoter. Once the activity is developed, shipping partners will send all the administrative documentation to the promoter in order to prepare the final report to the National Agency. The promoter will keep the documentation during the set time. -Main objectives and expected result: -To promote a “culture of mobility” in a little prone to this type of practice group that will be the futures workers of the European Union. -To acquire professional skills in order to facilitate the incorporation into the world of work. -To increase their linguistic skills in the EU languages. -To learn about the different ways of learning. -To bring and added value to their resume with the obtaining of the Euro pass-Mobility. -To develop social, interpersonal and transversal skills, like autonomy, responsibility, initiative, intercultural respect… Students are currently taking the Formation in Workplaces module. -Project spreading: -Through regional news, Onda Cero local radio dial, different local publications, as we have been doing years before. -A specific final report will be sent to the Chamber of Commerce, to the Vocational Training and to eh Educational Council from Asturias, in order to be known by different social agents, businessmen and members of the educational community. -The secondary education high school from Cangas del Narcea will include in its web page an important section about this project, as well as we will publish this information in the Vocational Training from Asturias web page. The Council of Cangas del Narcea is the largest in Asturias for your extension and the youth unemployment rate is very high. This project addresses the need to promote a culture of labor mobility in a collective youth to get involved in the set of skills, abilities and cultural habits that ensure them the permanent adaptation to changes that occur in societies and enterprises so that within a short period of time to try to enter the labour market. Aims to "open the mind and the borders" to achieve a first job. Students are enrolled in 2nd course of the cycle training grade means BODYSHELL, belonging to the family professional transportation and maintenance of vehicles, and formative cycle falls level of formacion:br students are young people between 18 and 20 years lack them maturity in work, personal and social relationships as well as autonomy. From our experience in previous years, participation in the project by this type of students significantly increases their confidence and independence when assessing a future labour mobility within the EU. The project will take place between October-Noviemb of 2015 1st mobility, and mobility 2nd April-May 2016. Mobility April schedule 2016:br 1) selection of participants: January 2016 2) selection of the accompanying teacher: January 2016 3) linguistic and cultural preparation: February 2016 4) Organization of travel, accommodation, insurance, associated documentation (European health insurance card, passport if necessary, etc.): February 2016 5) realization of the training programme, activities and working hours: March 2016 6) development of the mobility experience(: April-May 2016 7) management of the Europass-Mobility, accredited certifications and evaluation reports on companies and shipping partners: Diciemb 2015 the first mobility, and the 2 nd mobility in may 2016 .

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