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Canada-EU Dialogue on Migration
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background/objectives: The current refugee crisis sheds light on some fundamental social and political challenges that are shared between Canada and the EU. In terms of advancing transatlantic dialogue and promoting EU Studies in Canada, the focus on borders and migration is timely and most promising with a view to its broad scholarly and societal resonance. The proposed project intends to form a multi-disciplinary research cluster on the governance of borders and migration and instigate exchange between Canada and the EU in scholarly and broader public debates. Building on a core group of multidisciplinary researchers at the University of Victoria (UVic) and their leadership within larger networks, this project will create a vibrant nation-wide scholarly network designed to address issues related to borders, migration and refugees in EU studies. A series of knowledge dissemination initiatives and engagement strategies will target public policy stakeholders and civil society organizations and allow promoting the knowledge of European integration through the lens of migration and border studies in Canada. Activities/ Outputs: Canada-wide research network on borders and migration studies with key partners in the EU; Comprehensive Expert database on borders/migration built on the pre-existing EUCAnet database platform and used as a multi-service outreach tool; Media outreach targeting public awareness with short interviews/video clips, media alerts; Two roundtables and workshops with experts from Canada and Europe addressing policy makers and civil society; Four policy briefs based on the roundtables by young researchers/ doctoral students as part of the research network; Special issue of a refereed journal; One panel/special session at the 2018 Metropolis conference with representatives from Citizenship/Immigration Canada; One new graduate course on borders and migration; School outreach: Experts’ presentation at four Victoria high schools.
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