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Campus Russelberg over de grenzen heen!
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CAMPUS RUSSELBERG CROSSES BORDERS OBJECTIVES The project is focused on enhancing the mobility of students in order to enlarge their knowledge, their personal and professional skills and competences. But also to reinforce the European identity and values, to maintain and to improve the quality of education and work placements abroad and to broaden the scope of subjects. PARTICIPANTS At this moment we enrol 20 student mobilities. The participants are students from the 3rd grade vocational education in caretaking and technical education in health and welfare sciences. They choose consciously for an internship abroad. The internship is an essential part of the curriculum. Each student has already finished one or more internships in his/her own country. Some students from the 3rd grade vocational education in caretaking do not get the chances to participate and do not have the resources at home to get an international experience. ACTIVITIES The students will work as trainees in health facilities in Friesland in the Netherlands. This way students experience that healthcare in another country/culture isn't always the same that they are used to in their region. They learn to observe their own healthcare critically and compare this with their foreign experiences. RESULTS The students gather new knowledge and skills by working as a trainee in another country. They learn to deal with other people’s behaviours, values and standards,... The skill to work and learn in a foreign setting with unknown behaviours will develop more strongly. This way they also develop their personal competences. In their free time the students can get familiar with other values and cultures. The students become more independent, assertive and aware of their own limits. DISSEMINATION Students and teachers share their experiences with colleagues by presenting these abroad. During the project stories are shared on Facebook and on the website On their return to Belgium the local press will be invited to interview the participants. LONGER TERM BENEFITS Mobility projects have a huge impact on the personal and professional development of students and teachers by working in a different context and using different methods. They have a better understanding of the advantages of a European cooperation. The exchange of knowledge and good practices and the comparison of curricula will have a positive and enriching impact on campus Russelberg.
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