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Call 4 Recognition - We are Erurope
Start date: Jun 8, 2015, End date: Sep 7, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

24 youngsters and young adults in the age of 18-25 met eatchother in Summer 2015 for 13 days in Bochum (North Rhine Westphalia) for a Youthexchange. The Participants from Poland, Spain and Germany devoted themeselves to the topic of "Diversity, Minorities, Exclusion and Conflict". They asked for, what kind of Diversity leads to exclusion in the participating countries, what kind of Deviations are treated as annoying and disturbing, in which way minorities are treated and how conflicts can be solved. Observations in the participating countries and collected informations about the topic had been presented, and experiences had been exchanged. Exercises consirning the topic "Exclusion" had been carried out and discussions about the topic and with the affected people and organistions working in this field, were part of the exchange. Impressions, feelings and informations had been transformed trough HipHop Workshops into scenes, lyrics and pictures. In the end of the Exchange the results were presented in a Concert with Aftershowparty to the publicity of Bochum. The Graffitiworkshop designed a whole wall in the urban area of Bochum and helped strongly to legalize it. The Programe included initial cooperation Games, Excursions in and arround Bochum and freetime activities as well, what made it possible to build Contacts besides the Programe and to get to know the City for themeselves.

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