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caleidoscop-cukrászati trendek Európában
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The National Guild of Hungarian Confectioners is a civil association set up for the purpose of performing tasks derived from the protection and representation of trade and business interests and advocacy of confectioners, confectionery entrepreneurs and businesses. This is the only nationwide organisation for the confectionery trade, and is considered to be the partner for the government and supervisory authorities on all legal matters concerning the trade, for commenting on such matters and in the field of specialist training. This programme serves the goal of providing further training for specialist teachers and trainers working at apprenticeship locations in connection with Article 31(1) of Act CLXXXVII of 2001 concerning master technician training/use of specialist trainers. Our mobility programme will contribute to expanding the professional experience of the 35 participants, and certification of further training completed aboard will form a part of their professional career. On passing the expected master exam, elements of the mobility programme will facilitate examination components and put them in a different dimension as regards quality. Our project partners excel in the trade. As for French partners, both hosting partners are members of Relais Desserts, implying high quality and professional commitment. The Italian partner’s value lies in its recognition within its region, its knowledge of the trade and social role assumed. Project beneficiaries will be specialist trainers, apprentice trainers, coordinators and trade officers of apprenticeships responsible for education, people working in adult specialist education and specialist trainers who are career beginners, having earned their qualification as specialist teacher. The goals of participants include learning about different, innovative confectionery technology operations, production of innovative or traditional sweets, desserts, plate desserts and chocolate products, and using the materials and equipment available. They will learn about safety at work and environmental protection as well as other statutory requirements related to the operation of restoration facilities and the work done there, and their implementation in practice. They will observe business management and the tasks related to business administration. They will gain experience in presenting the product range, service for customers, packaging and serving products at the point of sale. The project length allows for developing language competences. The programme also offers a possibility to work on the knowledge of culture. It enables establishing individual contacts and possibly laying the foundations for a subsequent mobility programme. Participants will receive two certificates upon programme closing: • a certificate issued by the hosting partner confirming that the participant has been an apprentice/completed a stage at the hosting partner’s workshop. The management of many specialist schools accept such certificates for the purposes of further training programmes for specialist teachers. • A certificate from the applicable guild confirming programme completion. • Europass or Euro CV will also be provided on request. The project may be divided into three large phases: preparation, execution and conclusion. Components of the preparation phase are: clear and realistic formulation of objectives; verification of the human and financial resources required for the project; harmonisation of the results intended to be achieved with the tasks assumed by the Guild. Selection of quality hosting partners. Writing the application. In the execution/project phase: designation of tasks (in order: announcing the call for applications, selection, preparation, documentation of contracts, travel and accommodation arrangements, monitoring/mentor delegation). Project closing. The project will be evaluated via three channels: participants, hosting partners and the Guild. The final step will be project follow-up, ensuring that the knowledge gained is transmitted through several channels. Work programme: 8 hours of work / possibly in shifts / rotation in accordance with EU rules. 2 days of rest per week. 10 days of hands-on work, 4-5 factory visits, job shadowing/observation The new dimensions of the information society, the knowledge-based economy and the globalising world have been taking an increasingly clear shape over the past few years, which will change the paradigm of our life and the domains of professional work fundamentally. The main components of the CONCEPTION OF SURPLUS KNOWLEDGE are: lifelong learning and ’surplus knowledge’ (the totality of new information, new knowledge and experience, which put people in another dimension of knowledge). This is what we offer to participants in our project. Expected social impact: positioning of the Hungarian confectionery craft trade in the market, enhancing its social recognition both within and outside of Hungary.

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4 Partners Participants