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C-VET for Volunteer Coordinators
Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Volunteer Coordinators are the professionals who work in voluntary organisations managing the work of volunteers. The profession of Volunteer Coordinator is gaining recognition thanks to the increasing demand for this job profile. However, as many other new professions, there is a lack of high quality training opportunities. There are no specific educational pathways to become a Volunteer Coordinator. The work of Volunteer Coordinators requires them to manage volunteers which, by definition, are working on their free time and for no financial gain. Training materials from other sectors are difficult to apply to Volunteer Coordinators as those training materials do not cover all the skills and competences Volunteer Coordinators need. As a result, most of the training is provided by the employers, the voluntary organisations. This means that a Volunteer Coordinator employed by a big voluntary organisation can access to better training opportunities than those working in small and medium-sized voluntary organisations which represent the majority of the European voluntary sector. Therefore, the majority of employed Volunteer Coordinators have no access to training opportunities to acquire the skills and competences they need.In this context, the objective of the project is to respond to the identified training needs of professional Volunteer Coordinators in Europe by giving them access to high quality training through C-VET. To achieve this, the project partners will develop the first open and multilingual online training course for professional Volunteer Coordinators in Europe.The specific objectives of the project are:1) To develop 144 hours of online training content to provide professional Volunteer Coordinators with the most demanded knowledge, skills and competences. 2) To develop and integrate in the online training course an assessment tool which will provide users with a transcript of the acquired knowledge, skills and competences to include in their Europass Skills Passport. 3) To test the online training course with 25 professional Volunteer Coordinators to assess how effective it is delivering the desired learning outcomes and to implement the necessary improvements. 4) To publish the online training course as an OER in 6 languages, accessible from computers, tablets and smartphones.5) To reach with the dissemination activities, at least: 1.500 professional Volunteer Coordinators; 600 trainers; 5.000 voluntary organisations; 120 university professors, and 120 policy-makers in the field of VET, across Europe. 6) To achieve that a minimum of 2.301, representing 0,1% of the total estimated number of employed Volunteer Coordinators in the EU, have completed the online training course within 2 years after the end of the project.The online training course for professional Volunteer Coordinators has the potential to be exploited across Europe because: - It has been designed to deliver the knowledge, skills and competences commonly demanded to professional Volunteer Coordinators across Europe, as extracted from the results of the VolunVET project (, and not just those demanded in one single country. - It has been designed following the technical specifications of the ECVET, structured in units of learning outcomes, and the learning outcomes have been defined in terms of knowledge, skills and competence according to the EQF so to facilitate the recognition of the learning outcomes across Europe. - It will be published as an OER (Open Educational Resource) in six languages so to make it accessible to professional Volunteer Coordinators across Europe who have a good command of at least one of the following languages: English, Spanish, Polish, German, Portuguese and Italian. - It will be disseminated across Europe and not just in the countries of the project partners. The project partners estimate around 2.301.166 employed Volunteer Coordinators in the EU. This means more than two millions of potential users for the online training course. The project partners have set as a project objective that a minimum of 2.301 (0,1 % of the total) professional Volunteer Coordinators across Europe have completed the online training course within 2 years after the end of the project. However, this number will keep increasing year after year due to the huge number of potential users across Europe that will hear about the online training course thanks to the dissemination activities. Furthermore, as the online training course will be published as OER under the Creative Commons licence “Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)", many organisations and individuals across Europe will potentially use, totally or partially, the project results in the VET sector but also in other educational sectors.
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4 Partners Participants