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C# ile NET’te güvenlik.
Start date: Nov 10, 2014, End date: Nov 9, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project contained 10th and 11th grade students from IT Departments of the Vocational and Technical High Schools. 7 students and 1 travelling tutors from Seydi?ehir Vocational and Technical High School 02.03.2015 - 29.03.2015 Germany 7 students and 1 travelling tutors from Nasreddin Hoca Vocational and Technical High School 02.03.2015 - 29.03.2015 Germany 7 students and 1 travelling tutors from ?ehit Naz?m Bey Vocational and Technical High School 23.07.2015 - 19.08.2015 Germany With 2.3 billion internet user in the world and 36 million users in our country it has 30 billion TL trading volume. In this huge market, the subject of net security reveals and it is widely know that it is going to have an increasing importance. Net security has a great importance for surviving not only for internet promoters but also for every company in every business from banking to factory. Nearly all of the security vulnerabilities result from writing software without using unsecure architecture and encoding techniques It has been foreseen that software sector will reach 500 billion US dollars in 2013. In the report prepared by the Software Industry Union there are 1600 companies which are working on software sector in 2011 in our country. It is also indicated in the report that interest of the IT industry was 696 Million USD that year. According to 2023 targets of Turkey, 500 billion USD exporting prospects are targeted and 10 billion of it is from software industry. Threats have been increasing rapidly in such a growing sector that is why Net-Security is becoming vital for the sectors to survive. Necessary precautions must be taken for the security in software field; optimum encoding and maximum security should be targeted. When it is thought that every hour a new virus is produced, the importance of Net Security becomes clear. Today C# programming language is one of the most popular new generation programming languages. It has been designed as simple, modern, general purposed and object oriented. C# is a lasting, reliable and strong programming language. In addition, C# programming language that uses the simplest functional operating system has a wonderful characteristic in terms of performance and security. Privacy and security of the information considered a risk in our country, too. The usage of local products not only in public institutions or e-government applications but also in the systems of individuals or business enterprisers includes strategically dimensions for producing security software in our country. When our participants completed their trainings on ?Security in Net with C#? contributed to meeting the demands for software industry in our region and country. With this Project participants improved their personal development on gaining knowledge, skill and characteristic and using all of them actively. As a result of the activities they gained method and Learning by Themselves in accordance with the philosophy of Life Long Learning. During the time they spent there, social and cultural excursions provided intercultural exchanges with host countries. Our participants provided dissemination of the communication Technologies and empowering labor-work market by transferring the knowledge and skills they gained there with the sector. With the application of this Project, the characteristic of education system to meet the needs of the labor-work market was carried out. After the application processes of the Project, our participants increased competitive power and employment rate of the sector.
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6 Partners Participants