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C.I.T.Y. Citizenship and Innovation in Towns for Young
Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “C.I.T.Y. Citizenship and Innovation in Towns for Young”, within the ERASMUS+ programme, is a youth exchange to promote young active citizenship, but also to strengthen the sense of European Citizenship. The main goal of the project is to encourage the exchange of good practices on mobility, road safety, green areas, youth aggregation centers and urban problems. We would also like to promote the realization of “social diversity” in a much broader sense. The applicant is the Municipality of Bellizzi (SA): we want to involve young people from 2 foreign programme countries, 8 people (18-23 years old) plus 1 group leader, for a total of 28 participants. Starting from their experiences, they will have to chance to compare them analyzing common points and problems. The activity plan will start June 23 to July 4, 2015, for a total of 11 days. Non formal education techniques will be used to reach those results, like thematic worgroups (national and mixed), workshops, world cafè and creative activities. At the end of the project the participants will be given the Youthpass certificate, for the recognition of the competences provided by the project
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