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Business Culture Partnership (BCP)
Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Apr 29, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Based on the understanding that there is strong need for establishing sustainable Business Culture Partnerships (BCP) structures with benefits for a) the cultural institutions, b) companies and entrepreneurs and c) improved identity and commitment in the implementing cities/regions, the project aims to establish BCPs by: 1. Establishing an international cooperation and exchange network of the partner cities and, long-term, other cities that got attracted by the idea and the concepts developed in the project, 2. Joint development of concepts for BCP structures and events in an international consortium of partners, cultural and business actors and international BCP experts, 3. Implementation of these concepts a) in the partner cities and b) in other Baltic Sea region cities (long-term objective) in close international cooperation between the consortium members not only with positive local effects but also in visible cross-border relationship to each other, which will not only contribute to strengthening local commitment and identity but also the awareness of a joint South Baltic cultural area. To reach these objectives, the project will start with joint analyses of every partner local preconditions and continue with an elaboration of BCP-concepts suitable for adaptation in the single partner cities. The local implementation will take place in visible reference to each other to ensure that not only local effects can be reached but also a new cross-border awareness can be established.This will be demonstrated in the pilot events that symbolize the start of the joint BCP work - local events in clear correlation with each other, documented to encourage other similar concepts, events or initiatives in third-party cities/towns and regions. To ensure an optimum international exchange and cooperation but also a proper understanding and consideration of the relevant local structures which is essential to adapt the developed concepts properly to the relevant local situation, local meetings, involving the main local representatives of the cultural sector as well as SME representations, will alternate with meetings of the international consortium Achievements: During the first six project months, the partner team and associated partners became a well-working international network that started with investigating existing BCP approaches in aller partner countries and analysing the initial situation, the BCP work in the partner regions will build on. Partner meetings took place in Rostock, Rietavas and Greifswald, the first two focused on discussing the initial situation for the BCP work in the project in the partner places as well the last one with focus on finalizing the BCP concept elaboration. In addition, first local BCP events, namely meetings and workshops, took place in all four partner places to integrate the potential members of the local BCP networks and to take their perspectives into account from an early date on. In addition to this local networking on the topic BCP which resulted into a high problem-awareness on the topic and enormous interest in BCP in all partner locations, the partners cooperated intensively on the international level, profiting from the other partners ideas and experiences but also ideas collected in other places and expert supports the other partners got regarding their local concept work. By the end of MS3, the overall BCP concept for the project was ready and the local BCP concepts for all four partner place have been completed. The ongoing local BCP work resulted into an establishment of solid BCP structures in all 4 partner sites which shall be operated beyond the project duration to ensure sustainable business-culture partnerships. In MS4 the maintenance and expansion of these local BCP structures was continued and the active concept implementation work was started. All this preparation works resulted into a series of widely recognized BCP events in MS5: 1 BCP event labelled "Kulturlokal" in combination with an information event held by entrepreneurs for cultural players labelled "KulturInfo" will be operated in regular intervals from now on. The 2nd event was used for presenting the BCP project in its full international range with all partners and results in November 2014. 3 BCP awards were prepared and awarded in 3 partner locations in July (Rostock), September (Szczecin) and November (Rietavas) 2014. The first cultural guide for companies was elaborated and is distributed from June 2014 on. BCP media campaigns took place in all partner locations - the partners regularly exchanged on the next related steps. 2 more BCP exhibitions were held in Szczecin. 3 more BCP events took place in Szczecin (September), Rostock (October) and Rietavas (November).Furthermore, 3 additional formats were started from January 2014 on: a BCP platform comprising of a crowdfunding tool, a voting tool for cultural projects, an event calendar and a blackboard for BCP related issues. In addition, local BCP-Julklapp events were created as new, innovative formats and a BCP Mayor's Julklapp was developed as new form of disseminating the BCP idea in the entire SB region

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  • 84%   538 163,90
  • 2007 - 2013 South Baltic (PL-SE-DK-LT-DE)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

7 Partners Participants