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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Building Up Human Values through Art" is the result of a collaborative relationship among four European schools with specialisms in art for students aged 16-18. The project aims to improve the digital skills in ICT, applied to contemporary art media, to foster competence in a foreign language, to strengthen the relationship with industry, and to promote the values of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. These objectives are linked to the similar needs identified by the four partner schools: low entrepreneurial drive and uncertainty about future labour options among students, the necessity of stronger relationships between schools and social work entities in their communities, and the scarce participation of youth in local cultural organisations and community centres. The main target participants are students of art, in an average number of 120 pupils, although the project also focuses on former students, organisations in the field of social work, art and other entities in the community. Emphasis of activities is placed on the improvement of ICT and digital skills, and competences in foreign languages through the students' research on contemporary art media and human rights, their collaborative work with students of other countries, and the implementation of artworks. Workshops on contemporary art media, entrepreneurship in art, and human rights are included too. Four transnational meetings are programmed for the implementation of the artworks, the conduction of students' groups leading to the internalisation of the human values, and the organisation of showcase events in community centres. Methodology focuses on promotion of creativity, personal initiative, teamwork and cooperation. Methodology founded upon Project Based Learning and Creative Classrooms will contribute to develop the planned activities: 1. challenging the students to identify an idea; 2. promoting decision-making capacities, communication skills and students’ autonomy; 3. facilitating the understanding of new concepts from more global standpoints and connections with other fields of knowledge; 4. stimulating self-confidence, achievement motivation, personal initiative and risk-taking. It is expected that during and after the project the schools will benefit from other partners' strengths (like better ways to connect the school with industry, or expertise in European programmes), and will integrate innovative pedagogies in an increasing number of subjects and the organisational management of the school. Desired impacts on teachers include fostering their skills and competences in teaching art subjects with a deeper impact of ICT in their activities; facilitating innovative forms of pedagogical practice in the classroom, like Project Based Learning and Creative Classrooms; and including social awareness and engagement in their practice. It is also expected that students acquire a broader spectrum of their labour and study outlets after school; get a deeper sense of social responsiveness; improve their ICT and digital skills, and competences in a foreign language; and, finally, obtain higher motivation to pursue their studies and engage more actively in their learning process.

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