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Building Sustainable Public Services in the Atlantic Arc (AAPUBLICSERV)
Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Nov 29, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The increasing international character of cities and regions within the AA due to global trade, eastward expansion of the EU, emigration and low cost airlines, dictates the need for public authorities to develop e-services which are multilingual, inter-operable and which support citizens, workers and businesses both at home and while travelling. Regions, cities and their public authorities also recognise the need to develop tangible transnational products and services that will lead to a more cohesive AA. Achievements: In this context, AAPUBLICSERV has developed methodologies and tools to build sustainable transnational services, particularly public digital services. The project implemented several methodologies and tools, namely a metered water system in Donegal, designed and developed in view of policy development and customer service delivery and aiming at metered water customers during a first stage, but with a view to expanding to other service areas.For companies, online services have been created in San Sebastián, with a set of supporting tools to help them with their establisment and staff recruitment, including online solutions for business viability plans, permission management and recruiting services. For a wider audience, the citizen's portal was created in Derry-Londonderry, as a single point facility for citizens, visitors, students and investors which focused on providing information on city wide services.In the port management context, a solution has been implemented in Cantabria's ports, which consists of a port organization solution to manage the collection of taxes and fees associated to the use of their facilities online. A wider vision has been applied, not only for tax management, but also as a complete tool for the management of ports in which the collection of taxes is the final stage.The project has also established a contact centre for companies in Cardiff to boost new business collaboration opportunities and promote online their products and services, taking advantage of the ICT tools.Through its results, AAPUBLICSERV contributes towards the reduction of regional disparities, using ICT to improve public service delivery, trying to provide the same opportunities to more remote regions. In developing transnational innovation systems linking research centres, private companies and public administrations, AA regions become more competitive.
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  • 65%   1 462 251,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Atlantic Area
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

6 Partners Participants