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Building roads to energetic water-ski lift and amphitheatre in Augustów

Due to this project Augustow will offer better cultural and recreation resources. It will improve communication availability for tourists objects and sports. It will an effect on development of practise of sport by both inhabitants and tourists. It will also create positive feelings of tourists and stimulate regional labour market.In this moment an access is very difficult because there aren´t routs for cars, buses, baby-carriages and bicycles. It´s bumpy and no lights. Realisation of this project will cause development and consolidation of co-operation between communities related to the tourism.Furthemore tourists satisfaction has effect on improvement of life quality, income increase and unemployment reduction. The project will cause to growth of the co-operation polish with foreign institutions in sport, culture and recreation.The project is inscribed in Activity 1.4: Development of tourism and tourism infrastructure for development of cross border tourism and recreation as well as improvement of cultural heritage objects of cross border importance. The development of cross border tourism networks is another priority area for effective networking and partnerships that strongly contribute to better dissemination of tourism information and promotion of the region. In addition, tourism attractiveness and sectoral growth are strongly influenced by the diversity and quality of tourism services, the region´s image and a proper seasonal spread of tourism activities.
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  • 75%   761 616,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Lithuania - Poland - Russia (LT-PL-RU)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website