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-Building Improved Flexible pre-Occupational Courses in Appropriate Language for Visually Impaired (BIFOCAL)

Blind and partially sighted (BPS) people are one of the most disadvantaged groups with regards to employment. Currently in the TR alone, of the 273,915 BPS people of working age only 15% are in employment compared with the national average of over 80%. Currently there is no definitive number of BPS for Europe but if we extrapolate these figures as a portion of the working age population across Europe we have a potential of 1,040,200 unemployed BPS people who could benefit from the project’s final product.Using Feedback from the successful VISAGE, Equal project, which developed a customised pre-employment support toolkit specifically addressing pre-employment preparation for BPS unemployed people. The project will bring together a partnership of organisations with over 20 years of delivering employment support to BPS people. Each partner will lead on an aspect of the project whilst also being responsible for translation (Polish, Bulgarian and Turkish), testing suitability, sharing good practise, evaluation, dissemination and exploitation within their locality.Building on the VISAGE toolkit the project will produce a set of training materials in a variety of languages for the delivery of pre- employment training for BPS. As a highly relevant project for organisations supporting BPS people it has potential to set a European standard for working with BPS people and become a wider globally adopted system, meeting prime strategic priorities of adaptation of European training system to become a world reference. The long term impact of this will be increased employment rates of BPS people who are currently inactive in the labour market and have low or no work experience or vocational training. This will lead to greater independence and financial security, allowing them to become fully active members of society in general, and ultimately to an improved economy.
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3 Partners Participants