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Building and Planning Cross-border road between Num. 51 road Baja I. part - Zombor (Baja I. - Zombor)
Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: Sep 29, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Direct object of the project is developing infrastructure between the Hungarian num. 52 road Baja I. part and the Serbian Sombor city. Subject of the project: Length of the road in the Hungarian side between Baja and the Hungarian-Serbian border is 30 km. In reference to the Hungarian side the building permit and the plans were made within the Interreg Program. In Hungary we are planning to build 2911m road starting from Baja. The 30 km is split into parts. In this application period we are planning to build the I. part, which is 2,911m (from 162+679-162+839 km to 162+839-165+480) with 7,5m wide. In Serbia is planning to make plans beetwen the border and Bezdan, and make reconstuction plans between Bezdan-Sombor.Suitable quality of transport infrastructure is one of the main bases of economic growth. The development of infrastructure allows a more intensive economic development. Development of infrastructure could contribute to reducing the differences between the developed and the underdeveloped regions and settlements regarding the general quality of life, economical conditions, education, culture, health-care, social welfare and infrastructure supply.Realisation of this development will improve both the quality and the safety of transport, as well as international and cross-border connections. Improvement of cross-border infrastructure connections will create better conditions of life and conditions for work, allow for co-operation in several fields of the economy (for example, tourism, culture, and the arts). Better accessibility of settlements will in turn make places of employment and educational institutions more accessible, which in turn will contribute to decreased unemployment. Achievements: The technical content of the road building has been modified during the implementation with the prior approval of the JMSC. Instead of 2,9 km only 1,1 km of road, plus a roundabout junction has been built. On the Serbian side the planned technical documentation for road recontsruction from City of Sombor towards the border crossing Hercegszántó has been elaborated as planned.
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  • 85%   1 448 261,45
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Serbia IPA CBC (HU-RS)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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1 Partners Participants