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Building a know-how-generation and transfer-system for improving INTERREG-quality by multiple training and exchange activities at the border regions of Austria, Italy and the neighbouring New Member Countries (Iq-Train (Interreg-quality-Training))
Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Jul 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Iq-Train aims at- supporting INTERREG-actors at all levels in their professional tasks and career by setting up and operating a userfriendly know-how-transfer-system- improving skills and attitudes of INTERREG-actors in the context of programmes, projects and interregional and intercultural joint development- strengthening the capabilities and competencies to meet the challenges coming along with the accession of the partner countries effectively and cooperatively Iq-Train is a learning network of partners in Austria, Italy, Czech Republic and Sloveniaopen for participation not only within the main partner regions but also to other partners neighbouring the project area (Bavaria, Vienna, Burgenland, Slovakia, Hungary...)Based on an assessment of training needs of INTERREG-actors and on strategic considerations concerning future requirements of cross border and transnational cooperation a series of training modules will be designed and organized.Training modules- will be conducted along defined quality standards decentralised under responsibility of regional INTERREG-actors, thus enabling easy access of all interested actors and high added value to the regional and/or professional context- will be of high and practical quality by engaging top experts from within the Iq-trainnetwork or from within the greater INTERREG-community- will be documented in form of training materials and tool boxes to enable easy dissemination and distant- and e-learning of individual INTERREG-actors- will be customised to the needs of the participants by using multiple training methods and multisensual didactic.Iq-Train is a pilot for setting up a transnational learning network organisation based primarily on knowledge and experience of INTERREG-actors.Benefit of Iq-Train- for INTEREG actors: learning from the best, customised contents, innovative ways of learning, self determined, practical, within the own community, close to the job- for INTERREG community: pilot project of cross-border network-learning, setting up and improvement an open system of knowledge management- for INTERACT: Synergies between Iq-Train as regional project with Interact (IPs) serving the macro level, mutual exchange of experience, instruments, facilities, information and publication systems Obligations and duties for Iq-Train partners:- motivating regional INTERREG-actors for participating in needs assessment (Open Space Conference) and training events disseminating information about the programme and the results actively Expected Results: Outputs
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  • 50%   270 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Interact I
  • Project on KEEP Platform

8 Partners Participants