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Buenas prácticas en CLIL, TIC y comunicación lingüística = Aprendizaje competente y de calidad en los centros educativos europeos.
Start date: Dec 18, 2014, End date: Dec 17, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project will last for 24 months. Our project will be based in an European permanent learning dimension and an European educational cooperation linked to vocational training as a strong formational training necessity is detected in our school in the following aspects: -Linguistic item: we are a bilingual (in English) and a plurilingual school (in French and German). Non-linguistic teachers need, at least, a B2 certification, what is being a hard challenge to reach for some of them, above all for those who teach at Secondary level who have to acquire and demonstrate their communicative competence in that language. The continuity of their jobs depends on it. Additionally, it is a defiance for our school if it wants to continue being a bilingual one. -Methodological item: a renovation and innovation leading to a CLIC methodology (it implies the use of a second language and an instructive collaborative and interactive method of integrating learning). -Technological item: it is specially focused on digital technology and APPs. Nowadays society and our students require a method of learning, not teaching, that adapts the subjects to learn to their interests, the kind of communication tools they are using, their way of getting into something and taking up with other people. Facing this challenge means setting up a method of motivating learning that encourages interaction, cooperation ... which will entail a significant improvement on the quality, competence and competitiveness of our school. The number of participants, who require further education, is 4, middle-aged (30-55 years). They are teachers, highly qualified in their areas or subjects, who need an advanced vocational training on methodology (CLIL), teaching strategies centered in innovative projects that will enhance work efficiency and improve the time spent by teachers and students together. This will also provide a high level of satisfaction in the fulfilment of their tasks. They also need to improve their linguistic competence (in communication): English (5 communication skills). For the foregoing reasons, the methodology used will be: - The method of learning: integrating and inclusive (of the areas already exposed; linguistic, methodological and technological), collaborative, in ongoing cooperation with the associated centers, interactive both with the partner schools such as with the rest of the educational community: students, families, staff of the center and especially rest of teachers, gaining the commitment of be disseminators of skills and competencies acquired, at the same time that trainers, broadcasting the good practices learned, both through the formative activities such as Job shadowing. The media: mobility JOB SHADOWING that will be carried out in schools in Sweden, Netherlands, Malta and Turkey, and the activities of mobility training for the selected learning, to be carried out in England and in Malta, which are the following: A1: Focus on the methodological dimension/field. Creative Methodology for Teachers, Content and Language Integrated Learning for Primary and Secondary Teachers and Primary Methodology and Language; Oxford. A2: Focus on the linguistic dimension/field, development of communicative linguistic skills: specially English. Developing Oral Fluency in the Secondary English Language Classroom, Better English For Teachers and Fluency and English Language Development for Teachers A3: Focus on the technological dimension/field, as a key tool for the good practice in the classroom. Technology Enhanced Learning and Technology in ELT Classroom. The results, repercussion and impact planned, are directly associated to the profits the project will provide to all organizations taking part: Sweedish, Dutch and maltese ones, which summing up are: - A greater competence in linguistic comunication. - In the practice of educational systems, it will encourage, update and innovate the teaching practice, methodologies, use and optimization of sources, mainly in technological field (digital one) and methodological one: implementation or improvement of CLIL methodological approach and new learning projects (cooperative, by projects ones...) - It will promote the cooperation from an European dimension and the contribution and participation in international programs, as well as the update and internationalization of the curriculum. - It will encourage the Quality and Competences, aspiring to get the Excellence. The continuous learning is necessary and the European dimention even more; so the dimension of the educational activities programmed in our project and the link Job Shadowing will provide to participants, institutions, educational communities and their surroundings will long more than the two years the project is arranged, it will last for years.

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