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Bucatari priceputi - profesionalizati in arta culinara greceasca
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Special Technological High School no.3 is a special state education unit for the pupils having disabilities of hearing and associated ones (autism, mental deficiency, and oppositional disorders). The school is also an organization of professional training, by the vocational and technical education at high school level. Our unit has been included for 5 years in a rehabilitation program which required the need to evacuate the school building and to demolish it.Thus, the school was relocated in a building belonging to another education unit and temporarily arranged with classrooms and workshops divided by wood boards, unsuitable for the best performance of the education process.Thus,the material resources of our school are precarious,poor,with a low level of endowment in comparison with the standard requirements,and which hinder the performance of the process of professionalization of our pupils in the parameters required by the education curriculum.When they graduate the upper cycle of the high school,the pupils of the section Tourism and Food cannot get the professional qualification certificate level4,even if this is the most preferred qualification field by the pupils and parents,because we do not own the required material resources(practical preparation workshops),that are needed to obtain certification from ARACIP.We think that the implementation of the project"Master-chefs- professionalized in culinary Greek cuisine"is an opportunity to satisfy the needs identified in our school:the unsuitable professionalization of the pupils due to the scanty material resources,the low insertion of the graduates on the labour market,the low degree of compliance with the demands of the labour market for personnel skilled by occupational fields.The general objective of the project is the professionalization of the pupils in workshops for practical training of the pupils,the field Tourism and Food,qualification Cook,who after graduating the courses will have to look for a workplace,by providing training programs and efficient practical training courses,in order to ensure the equal chances and the active inclusion in the national and international professional society.The target group consists in 16 pupils who attend the courses of the school,in the Tourism and Food field,qualification Cook–the lower cycle of the high school(the class of practical preparation training)and of the special vocational education with the duration of 4 years,forms IX and X)in the school year 2016-2017.Thus,the project will meet the need to prevent the failure related to the insertion of the young graduates on the labour market,by an adequate professionalization.The exposure to the lack of practical training in suitable workshops in our school or at economic agents generates a long series of negative effects:a low rate of employment,poor insertion of the labour market,employment of our graduates from the field Tourism and Food in other occupational fields than the one for which they were skilled.The cooperation with the economic agents,with the purpose to perform the practical training periods at the workplace is more and more difficult.Only 10% of the economic agents contacted by the management of our education unit accept cooperation in this respect. The activities which will be performed within this project are the following:activities of selection of the participants for the project;preparation with a view to the mobility(designed in three modules:pedagogic,linguistic and cultural)coordinated by qualified people;the activities performed during the mobility have been mutually agreed with the institution which will receive them and so that to be able to satisfy both the needs of our institution and those of our partner in this project.The mobility will be materialized in activities of practical training at certified economic agents,which provide the suitable material resources and skilled personnel;follow-up activities.Our partner in this project is the Organization Ipodomi, which is specialized in providing education and training programs that lead to the certification of the professional qualifications in a large range of specializations.The impact is measured on short,average and long term at all the levels:participants,involved organizations,community.It will be reflected in the suitable professionalization of the pupils because of the access to suitable material resources,the high degree of insertion of the graduates on the labour market and in the matching of the requirements of the labour market for personnel qualified by occupational fields.We estimate that the long-term benefits and advantages of the implementation of the project are the following:the enhancement of pupils’ interest to take part to such programs also in the future,stimulation of the wish for perfecting of the teachers,international opening of the school,improvement of the image of the school by the promotion and sharing of the positive results obtained.

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