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BSO trainees meet Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The workplacement programmes are mainly designed for young people training to become bilingual and social assistants entering the job market in the Rhein-Main-area in about one or two years. Improving language skills is just one objective. Others which are equally important are gaining insight in work procedures in European or internationally operating organisations and acquiring further practical skills in the related field of work. After the training period bi-lingual assistants look for jobs in larger companies which make use of their language skills and perhaps even provide jobs abroad. Social assistants broaden their social skills mostly in community organisations such as day care units for children, the elderly, handicapped people or in youth training workshops. This experience may help them get a better understanding of the people they work with later on, especially if they are non-German or belong to ethnic minorities. The Berufliches Schulzentrum Odenwaldkreis (BSO) benefits from mobility activities by acquiring a wider European perspective of the world of work in the respective countries through the participants' feedback and their presentations to the school community afterwards. Moreover, since quite a few trainees go to placements arranged by the twin cities of Erbach and Michelstadt in France and Scotland the networking between the BSO, the local authorities and their respective counterparts abroad are improved. In view of the fact that the job market for young people has become more international, less restricted to domestic boundaries or language barriers, the programme is a key milestone for garanteeing high training standards not just as far as the skills required are concerned but also by improving the participants' self-confidence, their faith in their ability to successfully meet and tackle the needs of the world of work. The latter is of particular importance since the target groups participates in full time vocational courses in school and the trainees lack being linked up with a company where theoretical knowledge can be implemented into practice.

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