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Bridges in Europe for Students' Training
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project starts from an indentified need of the students at the Services profile, regarding the practica training. More precisely, there is a great lack of balance between the big number of the students in this profile (i.e. two classes on each level, meaning a total of aproximately240 students), the relatively long periods of practical training (3-5 weeks/year) and the relatively low number of suitable local firms for fulfilling a quality training.Having a great experience in the European cooperation, Colegiul Tehnic Iuliu Maniu, wishesthat through this means of European cooperation with specialized organisationsregarding the initial professional training to offer its students the opportunity to achieve part of the specific competences the students need in order to work in the economic field, as well as other transversal competences, through European mobilities with the goal of this practical professional training at high quality and professional standard.The main aims of the project are:1. The participation of 15 students from the services profile, economics field of study, respectively commerce, from the 10th grade, to practical training, for 3 weeks in partnership witheconomic agents from abroad (Spain).2. Achieving the specific competences of the module (CDL- Curriculum in Local Development), Business Management, for the 15 students in the target group, as a result of a 3 weeks time practical training, at the partnership organisation among the project.3. Recognizing the achieved competences, after returning from the practical training period abroad in order to get the maximum qualification level when gratuated highschool, for all the participating students in the mobility (direct beneficiary).4. Developing the English skills (the language to be used during the activities held/performed in the mobility) among the direct beneficiaries (the participating students in the mobility and the companian teachers) in order to achieve at least the B1 European framework level, through the prior language training of the mobility.5. Initial Spanish knowledge (the language spoken in the country where the mobility will be taking place), achieving the minimum A2 European framework level by the participants in the mobility through appropriate language training.6. Broadening the cultural and professional horizon of the direct beneficiaries. 7. Training skills for the participanting students at the mobility programme, skills for a proper life of the 21st century, skills needed for a proper integration in a modern society and the European working market.In the mobility programme, there will be 15 students from the 10th grade, Services profile, Economis field and Commerce respectively. In the selection criteria there will be important for the students to have prior good results/grades, to be interested in the Economics field of study or work, to have a good knowledge of the English language, to participate actively at the preparation activities of the mobility.The partners of the project are an intermediary organization from Valencia (Spain) with a wide experience in mobility programmes with the purpose of initial professional training for student or for adults, and two host companies where the students will be placed.The main activities held during the project are:- Activities related to project management: forming the project's team, selecting the participants, setting the agreements between the involved parts, organizing the journey of the mobility.- Preparation visit with the aim of setting the details of the training.- Preparing activities of the participants: pedagogical training, language training in English and Spanish and culcural preparation.- Specific activities held during the placement at the partnership companies, activities proper for the specific skills of CDL- Business Management, which is the subject of the of the practical training of the 10th grade in the Services profile. - Initial, continuous and final evaluation activities, both for the students and the progress of the project.- Validation and recognition of the learning outcomes activities at the return from the mobility.The main results are forming the key skills for the skills units "Team work" and "Transition from school to job" provided in the CDL of the 10th grade, Services profile, for 15 students in this specialization. There can be added the Europass documents obtained after the trainnig and forming other transversal competences.The expected impact after carrying this project is at the students level - increasing level motivation, increasing the interest for developing a self career plan, intensifying entrepreneurship, and the school level - increasing the atractivity of the school and developing the European dimension, and at the community level: improving the relationship between school and the local community.
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