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Bridge to Peace Building and Youth Social Development
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This EVS project will take place in Gori, Georgia and will involve one British volunteer, who will work with the NGO Bridge of Friendship Kartlosi for 10 months. The mission of the Friendship Bridge Kartlosi is to promote sustainable development of local communities in the conflict resolution process and contribute to the dialogue between the Georgian and Ossetian communities development. In their work they try to contribute to the local civil society, to help their professional development and enhance the capacity of youth involvement in local life. The main aim of the project is to develop and promote knowledge of post-conflict reconstruction and peace building, by producing analytical reports and articles for publication and dissemination by Kartlosi and others. Project will help not only the development of the individual and teamwork skills of the volunteer, but also the people working with him/her, such as local youth, vulnerable groups, local media etc...). We want to bring a volunteer who is experienced in some areas, but keen to learn from the local culture, organization and the country where he/she will work, and live. It's important that the volunteer is open minded, open to challenges and has willingness to work and live for 10 month in adventurous region.Volunteer will improve skills and gain information in non formal-learning tools in which organization is very experienced. It is expected that volunteer will share and plan activities together with the HO and different type of presentations and activities will be implemented not only in Gori region, but to the entire Shida Kartli region for the school students and unemployed youth. Topics can include for example, how to overcome different challenges, how to be an active citizens and ambassadors for their country and community, topics will vary from ecology, democracy, education. Methods volunteer will use during his or her work such as : presentations (both oral and written PPT) on actual issues like gender equality, multiculturalism, conflicts, education etc. will improve knowledge of volunteer from Georgian perspective and it will give possibility beneficiaries get to know more deeper UK and the rest of the world countries experience and studies there. All the activities will be uploaded in social media and organizations web page , as well as other NGO's and state institutions will be invited for volunteers activities.The project aims to identify and distill lessons learned and best practices from local peace building NGOs such as Kartlosi so that they can be made available to civil society actors, academics and others involved in the peace building community. The first audience to receive the reports and articles will be the local community. The second audience will be the peace building community in Georgia who can then more generally offer insights from their peace building initiatives in Gori to be extended beyond this area. The third audience are interested parties beyond Georgia – what lessons can be learned from conflicts in Georgia to improve our knowledge and understanding of conflict resolution, post-conflict reconstruction and peace building. This will be a key part of the plan to disseminate the work of the project through Kartlosi's website and social media, and by forming new partnerships and networks with other NGOs across Europe, especially in the UK. The project also aims to provide opportunities for local people, especially youths, to have the chance to improve their practical English language skills taught by a native speaker. The volunteer plans to follow up on the project by providing advice and guidance to others. Kartloisi will keep its portal on world peace building portal “peace direct” ,previous volunteer worked pretty much to raise organizations awareness and present its peace building activities there. New volunteer will keep in touch with the portal and add and edit new activities and articles for the web page in the name of Kartlosi and the problems, challenges and improvements in Shida Kartli region will be represented more in international level.New volunteer`s research and evaluations of the activities mainly oriented to peace building and youth development , will help Kartlosi to improve work in this direction and be more open for the initiatives from the volunteers. Language clubs which previous volunteer worked with , need to be kept and will renew after new volunteer will come , this will help volunteer to student to improve English language skills, involve more youth on it and open a possibility for the international youth projects in the frame of Erasmus +.
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