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BRG Wels Staff Training
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jul 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Staff training BRG Wels The first motivation to undertake these training courses is to meet the needs of EU 2020 to be able to speak at least two foreign languages and to improve the quality of teaching at BRG Wels. As one third of the staff retired in 2013 there was a special need to provide training courses for the new staff members. BRG Wels set out to enable ten members of staff to participate in training courses to improve language abilities, teaching methods and their intercultural knowledge. Furthermore, BRG Wels has to train their new staff to be able to help with the European projects BRG Wels is participating in, for example multinational projects with eight partner schools from Finland, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Turkey, Italy and Greece. Teachers learn English or Italian to prepare pupils for project workshops called curiosity-creativity-competence in music, science, sport and arts. Moreover, BRG Wels also organizes pupils´ exchanges with Spain, Italy or the UK. As a member of the UNESCO school network BRG Wels also concentrates on intercultural learning, tolerance and the European dimension. This is the reason why teachers improve their Italian and their Spanish as well as their cultural and world heritage knowledge about Italy, Malta and Spain. As holder of the certificate of innovative schools in Upper Austria BRG Wels wants to integrate CLIL , subjects taught in English, into our curriculum. Therefore music teachers participate in special CLIL courses. Art and sports teachers improve their English that they can offer workshops for pupils in the English language. Furthermore, teachers of English should improve their teaching methods and language abilities by attending courses in Canterbury or London. Ms Starlinger is a new science teacher at school, she teaches in her first year after she changed from a private company to be the only chemistry teacher at school. She will take an advanced course in Spanish to help with the organization of our pupils´ exchange. Ms. Hörhann and Ms Moser take Italian courses to lead or support the UNESCO school team. Ms. Mallinger takes an advanced course of Italian in Malta also to support the idea of world heritage and intercultural understanding. Ms. Seelmaier an experienced teacher takes a course at IATEFL to provide ideas and new teaching methods to the English department. Ms. Rotkopf takes a training course for English teachers to improve teaching methods at school. Ms. Grünseis is in her first year of teaching English and she needs experience in teaching methods and has to improve her language skills. Ms. Söllinger/ married Mayr and Ms. Koprivova , her mother tongue in Czech, will take CLIL courses. Both have little teaching experience. Ms. Asamer an art teacher has little international experience and needs to improve her English to support our European projects. The staff training courses will have direct impact on our students, who will be offered CLIL courses and workshops at our school. The long term effect will be that BRG Wels will have more trained teachers, who will contribute to our school quality development plan, which concentrates on promoting talents in pupils and the European dimension.
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