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Breaking news
Start date: May 18, 2016, End date: Nov 17, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Breaking News" is a project addressed to 40 girls and boys aged between 14 and 20 years, balanced by gender, from Italy, France, Catalonia and Romania which will take place at the camping Canapai Rio Marina (Elbe) from 8 to 17 July, 2016.The project want to start a reflection in young people, through direct experience, on the mechanisms leading from information to the opinion, to develop critical thinking related to news and opinions circulating on social networks and media and showing what strategies can be generate for social change that respect human rights. The objectives identified by the project are:- Create a friendly and cooperative environment that encourages the free expression of the participants and develop the "ability to critically judge themselves and their own traditions."- Through simulations and role play carrying young people to compare various sides of relationships between individuals, nations and peoples and, from this perspective, to examine phenomena such as migration, conflict, economic disparities, etc.- Analyze communication strategies of media and social networks and create opportunities for expression and communication, providing tools for critical analysis of information that lead them to develop critical thinking skills on a social level.The exchange will use participatory methodologies that enable young people to get involved and to become promoters of intercultural dialogue and social change through the development of their skills and abilities by experiential learning, non-formal and informal education.The main activities, designed to develop mutual understanding, listening, discussion, reflection and sharing of experience, are:- Focus groups to explore topics- Role-play and group games to promote the knowledge of the other- Trekking to share and consolidate experiences - Workshops to discuss, create strategies and build the project path- Blog-logbook which collect the experience of the participants and allow a spread to the territory- Circle time as a verification tool and chance to gather ideas and proposals.As a result of the project we expect not only to transfer knowledge, but to show to young participants an attitude, the critical thinking, which allows them to split between facts and opinions, recognize prejudice, exploitation and manipulation and lead them to understand objectives and positions of different people.Breaking news will be a great training and enrichment opportunity for all people and association involved, which can compare methodologies and techniques, and lay the foundation for future locally and internationally initiatives in the field of protection of human and children rights and to the promotion of the Erasmus plus mobility projects and strategic partnerships.
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