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BREAK THE ROLES : gender issues and values in Europe
Start date: Jun 24, 2014, End date: Mar 24, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This exchange for young people brings together 56 young people from Bulgaria, Turkey, Spain, France, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, in the small town of Riom-ès-Montagnes (North Cantal/Auvergne) in a rural area from July 26 to August 16 2014. "Break the roles" is the realization of our desire to build an intercultural exchange project based on the controversial issue of gender. Sex is not just biology and does not predestinate for such and such a role or contingency in our societies. Sexual identity and the discrimination some people suffer because of their sexual orientation or their sex are also the fruit of a historical, cultural and social process which can be criticized and overcome, especially if it results in the non-respect of the fundamental rights of human beings. Our determination to promote the values of equality and liberty to build our societies of tomorrow, our will to enrich each other via contact and to recognize the complexity, diversity and wealth of the possibilities open to us, brings us to a project where the activities are founded on a participatory method with, as tools for the dialogue, artistic practices (dancing, drama, music, visual arts) and the propositions of all the participants. The debates and research will result in several periods of exchange with the local community and beyond, with the elaboration in common of constructions which will enhance the value of our approach and encourage other young European citizens to get involved. The question of gender makes us think of the place of women in society, men/women relationships, gender stereotypes, social representation, sexual identity, all of which make us ponder and become more aware of the interest inherent in the main principles defended by the European Union and within the participating countries. To nourish our reflection we organize a collection of information and testimony by the participants themselves, helping to establish a factual basis for contradictory debate during interactive conference-debates, at the end of film projections, discussions, analyses of oral and visual material, written articles, assembled and discussed during the practical, artistic group workshops, allowing us to tackle in different ways the issue chosen, (dramatic improvisation, forum theatre, setting-up of situations, role-playing). The results of these phases of reflection/conception thus nourish the content of creative dance, drama, singing, costume-creation workshops set up by the participants with the support of professional contributors. The creative work results in the production of several joint performances, the main one in the form of a musical comedy to be twice presented in public at the end of the exchange. The testimony, articles, photos, videos about the elaboration of the exchange and its results will be widely relayed by the media , and once the exchange has finished, by the social networks, in order to encourage the elaboration of similar projects that we will be able to follow and accompany within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme. By strengthening, building us up, and offering us new perspectives, this venture, is also a way of reaffirming our role as citizens in a sector where our space for expression still needs to be conquered and of inspiring our partners and, little by little, our territory and its inhabitants, to share our desire for openings, mobility and change.

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