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Brain Diagnostics and Monitoring in early neonatal period (BraDiMo) (BraDiMo)
Start date: May 1, 2011, End date: Sep 1, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

EU level payload from medical conditions associated with acute threat to brain in neonates (such as preterm birth or birthasphyxia) rises upto billions of euros each year. Yet the means to protect or monitor brains in neonatal intensive care units are far from optimal, and every improvement to this practice is likely to yield very high returns. The aim of this proposal is to fund development of research activity of Dr. Sampsa Vanhatalo (Helsinki University Hospital, Finland) who seeks to visit for two years the largest neonatal research center in Australia, led by prof. Paul Colditz (University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia). Vanhatalo has gained outstanding international reputation from the pioneering developments and findings in the field of neonatal neurophysiology. He is now aiming at proceeding in this career and establish a frontier level neonatal research center in Helsinki. The research center of prof Colditz offers an ideal combination of skills and expertise that Vanhatalo will need in his research and career development in Finland/EU. Colditz laboratory uses several novel resarch paradigms (such as magnetic resonance imaging of preterm babies, translational experimental models, and modern signal analysis paradigms). They also have extensive experience in international management of research projects and funding, an exceptionally wide experience in commercialization of science, as well as highly recognized success in building media relations, which have become crucial in conducting successful clinical research. Training in all these areas is readily available in the Australian host institute. The fellowship will be utmostly important for Vanhatalo’s prospective academic activity, which is determined to develop the excellence in neonatal neurophysiology research in Finland and Europe, as well as to promote European medical industry to build applications for worldwide markets in the field.

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